005 ::: Never Eavesdrop

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Hello, all you wonderful and beautiful people that read this story! I know there are stories that have a gazillion reads, but the fact that I have 30 on this story makes my heart soar! Thank you for taking the time to read, you are amazing!

As usual, if you come across any inconsistencies or errors, please leave a comment so I can fix it!

Enjoy! :) <3

I couldn't do it.

I tried.

But I couldn't stick with my original plan of keeping my eyes closed in hopes that they would eventually get sick of me and just give me back to my family. I wanted to, but as a heavy body crashed into the space I was occupying, I was jolted upright, staring into the black eyes that were mere inches away from me. Veins bulging from the man's neck and his elongated teeth were snapping in my direction with incoherent words dripping from mouth. Before I even had a full second to register what was going on other bodies swarmed the room, forcing the man with black eyes out and away from me in a flash.

My heart was beating erratically and my head whipped around frantically trying to figure out where exactly I was. It was safe for me to assume that I was, in fact, not dead. I was certainly alive, more alive than I had thought, or wanted, to be. A short, stout woman with curly blonde hair slowly approached me, my eyes flickered over her form so quickly I was beginning to get dizzy. I tried catching my breath as my chest heaved up and down. My mouth feeling like sandpaper.

I pushed myself further back away from the woman. What did she want? Where was I? What happened to me?

The woman's hands lifted in front of her as a gesture of surrender. With eyes wide she continued her slow prowl towards me, "Rosianna." She spoke softly with a hint of something in her voice. Care? Worry?

I blinked at her, unsure of what to do and how to respond. These beasts had never been more than cruel to humans and I would be damned to be stupid enough to even slightly think that she was actually concerned for my well-being. I shook my head hysterically at her approaching figure.

She took another small step forward.

"Please," my eyes squeezed shut as I let out my whisper of a plea. I just wanted it to end without all the grandeur they wanted me to endure. Weren't they taught to not play with their food? Everyone else in that holding room had been brought out and killed, some more slowly than others, but killed nonetheless. Not making them wait, be brought out, thrown in the blocks, and then woken up in a random room just to be tortured again. Why me?

A sudden wave of realization hit me. I wasn't in a random room. I was in a hospital room. I vaguely remembered the look, feel, and smell from when I was a child and sprained my wrist. The room I had been in was tailored for children with colorful posters of kittens and puppies and other cute baby animals along with fun reading books with big letters. Crayons and coloring books and stickers were strewn about the room with fun designs on the walls. All of it to ease the worry and anxiety of the incoming children.

But not this room.

This room was plain and bare. White walls, white tiled floor, white ceilings, other than the light brown chairs the room lacked color and did nothing to ease the uneasiness of its patients. The lights harshly shone above me turning my already pale skin almost translucent. My faint blue gown itched roughly against my skin as I shifted uncomfortably in the bed. I hadn't been in a hospital room since I was a child--it was a luxury the beasts believed we didn't need. Medical staff and supplies were not to be wasted on us even though they were barely used on the creatures. They had unique healing abilities that essentially made them as good as new within a moment's time. Withholding medical care from us was just another way to oppress us, another way to stifle us, another cruel punishment.

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