010 ::: Never Plead

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Hello beautiful people! I am dedicating this chapter to goldengarden3 for being another MVP and voting for my story.

**WARNING: this chapter does walk the line of sexual harassment/assault just as a heads up. Proceed at your own discretion.

Enjoy! :) <3

He got what he wanted.

Weeks drifted by in a blur as I didn't make any mental effort to take note of what day it was or even what time it was. After the attack, my sister was taken away and delivered to a hospital for someone to tend to her injuries. But he got what he wanted from me.

I answered his questions, responded to his words, did whatever I needed to do in order to prevent any more of my family members from being dragged into this hell and tortured. The days when I wasn't forced to interact with Xaler were spent laying in bed staring out the window and blankly watching the day pass by.

At night when he came back, I forced myself up and did as little interaction as possible, just enough to get by. Dinner was the only meal I would eat, I didn't find myself hungry for breakfast or lunch and I wasn't going to force myself. I resorted to flushing food down the toilet to make it seem like I was eating.

It seemed like my basic effort was enough to satisfy Xaler, but as the weeks progressed my simple responses began to get under his skin. He started asking longer and deeper questions just to get me to talk longer. Like all he wanted was to hear my voice. But I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to get to know him. And I didn't want him to know me. But I knew the consequences of shutting myself off to him and that wasn't something I wanted to go through again.

Xaler resorted to making his workdays shorter, coming home earlier and earlier and interacting with me. I hated it. Not only did that force me to spend more time with him, but it also meant I had to force more food down my throat. Never did I think that there would be a day where I was offered food and didn't want it. But here I was.

I was lost in my thoughts, absent-mindedly responding correctly to what Xaler was saying and asking. My mind had become robotic like when interacting with Xaler, I didn't even need to think about it or put much effort into it. However, what just slipped off of his tongue had successfully grabbed my full attention.

I stared at him in shock.


I didn't want to.

I wasn't ready. I would actually never be ready, but this still came too soon for me.

"No," I breathed out, my eyes shifting back and forth between his.

"Do not tell me no, Rosianna," he said sternly.

"I-I can't do it, Xaler. Please don't make me. I don't want this, I don't want any of this," I begged with tears forming in my eyes.

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