017 ::: Never Forget

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Here we go, chapter 17! Sorry, it took me a little bit to get this chapter out, the holidays were crazy and I began writing a new story! 

Anyways, you know the drill - comment any inconsistencies and/or errors!

Enjoy! :) <3

I shut myself away.

As soon as I was forced to return to this hell hole, I went directly to a guest room and locked myself away from everything and everyone, mainly avoiding Xaler as much as I physically could. I wasn't going to lie and say that it didn't surprise me that Xaler had allowed me to separate myself from him because it did. I was shocked. For the first time since my being here, this was the most freedom I had been given - the only thing I was able to choose for myself. And I loved it.

Of course, the only thing I had enjoyed since coming here was short lived.

It had only been a day and a half before someone came knocking on the bedroom door and considering the lightness of the knock, I was able to deduce that it wasn't Xaler. I let out a deep breath in my realization that I was going to be able to avoid him still.

Regardless of who was on the other side of that door, I didn't want to open it. I didn't want to see anyone. I didn't want to have to interact. I didn't need to and I'm sure Xaler made sure of that. During my time in the hospital, changes had been made throughout the house in order to ensure my well being against myself.

Shower doors had been replaced with curtains, walls had now been cut out and fitted with mirrors which were in turn fitted with some type of thick shatterproof plastic. All the toilets had been replaced with industrial ones that didn't have a tank, but instead just a metal handle. Drawers in the kitchen and throughout certain areas of the house had been locked - some with codes to open and others required keys. It felt as if the house had been baby-proofed against me.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and scoff at the gesture, even more when I wasn't permitted to use metal utensils and given plastic instead. And even though it didn't really bother me too much, the fact that there were now bars on all the windows annoyed the hell out of me. Now it truly felt like a prison. Being Xaler's prisoner had seemed to become a recurring theme in this little re-hate-tionship we had.

What was even worse was the thick black box that rest upon my ankle, as if an ankle monitor would actually stop me from harming myself. I guessed that he didn't want me to even try to escape him and this nightmare I was being forced into living. And yes, I didn't want to interact with anyone, but that didn't stop me from trying to leave my room, until I came face to face with two very large and very muscular men standing right outside my door and essentially shoved me harshly back into my room not even blinking an eye to my protests.

However, I couldn't complain because at the end of the day he still hasn't come to see me and has left me to my own self since returning from the hospital. And that? That was everything. It was the first time Xaler had ever made me smile and it was definitely going to be the last, unless he releases me.

But now I still sit in this room, staring at the door as another light knock came from the opposite side. I huffed and decided since it wasn't the one person I would rather die than see, I might as well open the door.

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