030 ::: Never Hug

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Hello! I didn't get this published as soon/quickly as I wanted, but it's here now. I think we have about 10 more chapters? I could be wrong, but thinking about it, it seems right.

I have decided on the title for my next book and once I publish this I will be writing an actual summary of it, so check it out.

Enjoy! :) <3

I was so uncomfortable.

Sitting here in this stuffy car with Xaler's overwhelming presence was nearly suffocating me, I guess he seemed to have that effect on me no matter what. Thick muscles, engorged shoulders with the planes in his back tensing as we sat in silence was nothing less than dominating. And I couldn't wait to escape this car and be away from him no matter how minuscule that distance was.

It felt as if someone was stuffing cotton down my throat and up my nose, dousing me constantly with water and immobilizing my limbs - creating a human cocoon keeping me impossibly still. Unable to stand it anymore, I reached my hand over and pulled the lever for the window with my finger. In an instant, cooler air rushed into the car and circled around me, embracing me with the air to finally breathe.

Trying to wrap my head around what was currently happening proved to be impossible. I was fairly certain that my body, mainly my mind, was still in shock from the events that had transpired. I truly couldn't believe that he had bought a hut in the slums for booth of us to live in for an entire six months. There's no way he would be able to last the whole time, not because of the harsh conditions especially since we were going into the winter months soon, but because he was acclimated to a certain lifestyle. A lifestyle where he was waited on hand and foot, one that allowed him the freedom to constantly roam and have space to be his monstrous self.

He wouldn't find that here.

No, in the slums his nose would be assaulted with the vilest of smells, ears attacked with the cacophony of noises the permeated the air within the slums. Every single place he turned he would run into something or someone, and I preemptively prayed for the poor soul or souls that awaited the end of his hand when he was at the end of his rope.

It wasn't going to be pretty.

But then again nothing of his kind was.

I could only hope and wish that none of my family would be caught in the crossfire of his temper tantrum when it settles into the atmosphere.

Like I was suffocating in the car, every citizen would soon feel my discomfort. His entire aura screamed dominance and control; if they thought they walked on eggshells around the beasts before, they're in for a rude awakening. An awakening they had no idea was coming or could prevent nor prepare for.

The thought of it turned my stomach. What if harmed someone and I didn't do everything in my power to stop this wicked idea of his? Would they blame me? Would they hate me even more than they already do now? I was bringing the enemy into our territory. I should be fighting him, screaming, pleading, anything to get him to turn this car around and go back. Everything inside of me urged for me to yell at him to stop, but I couldn't, I just sat there contemplating the bleak future, the disaster of an outcome this decision was going to have.

I searched the very abyss of my gut and somehow mustered up a speck of courage, "why don't have to do this."

It was weak, a pleading whisper breathed into the space between us, though it wasn't necessary of me to speak any louder, he could hear it perfectly well, but not being able to be strong in his presence is what irked me to no end.

Xaler turned his gaze to me, slowly, taking the briefest moment to study my countenance. He cleared his throat and swung his leg up onto his knee, adjusting his shirt, "yes we do."

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