Where you at?

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(This chapter is named after the Jennifer Hudson song, you'll see why)

Dee's P.O.V

The crew split up to go shopping for the kickback. I decided to go to Whole Foods.Then I felt my iPhone vibrate, It was Diggy.

Diggy: Hello my love, just checking on you. Where are you?

Dee: Whole Foods you want anything?

Diggy: Nah I'm good, and Whole foods, for a kickback?

Dee: *laughing* No I got food for that, I'm buying food for our house, I have to be healthy now that I'm withchild and you are gonna be healthy with me.

Diggy: I'm not the one carrying the baby you are.

Dee: And you helped me CREATE the baby so therefore your argument is invalid.

Diggy: You are always trying to control something, I don't have time for this shit, goodbye.

Dig pissed me off but oh welll. I was looking at some organic cookies when I noticed a very handsome gentleman. He looked at me, I smiled and walked away. I finished my shopping and loaded things into my new baby Bella :* a white Audi A4, Diggy bought it for me since my other car kinda got towed.. 

M/V: Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but you look strikingly familiar.

I turned around and it was the guy from the supermarket. I looked deeper and it was Jacob.

Dee: Jacob. Jacob Latimore

Jacob: Desiree!

Dee: Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you since 5th grade!

Jacob: I know! You look...damn..you look good.

Dee: Thank you! I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta go! But me and my friends are having a kickback later you wanna come?

Jacob: Sure!

I gave him the deets and pulled off. Diggy doesn't like healthy snacks, well I'm sure Jacob does since he was in Whole Foods.

Diggy's P.O.V

It was 8 and a lot of people was already here. I haven't seen Dee since our argument and she got ready at Shawty's house. Oh well. I was chilling, drinking and having a good time and no one was gonna kill my vibe.

Shawty's P.O.V

I was late for the kickback since Dee was getting ready at my house and decided to take her sweet precious time. Prod had already left me -_-.

Shawty: *yelling*Dee! Hurry up we're gonna be late!

Dee: *coming down stairs* relax, beauty takes time! And we are only going to Goldie's house across the street.

We began walking out the house, but I realized I forgot my iPhone, shit!

Shawty: Dee I forgot my phone! Go ahead with out me.

Dee: Ok

I went back in the house to me and Prod's room to grab my phone, when I felt someone kissing on my neck. I figured it was Prod so I just laughed.

Shawty:*laughing* C'mon Prod we gotta go! 

I turned around but it was Jaden.

Shawty: Jaden! What are you doing here?

Jaden: Shh *puts hand on her lips* 

He proceeds to put me in the bed and takes off my clothes.

Shawty: Jaden STOP!

I tried to fight him but he was too strong.

Prod's P.O.V 

I was at the party chilling with my guys, when I noticed Dee come in, but where is Shawty? I walked up to Dee to ask her.

Prod: Where's Shawty?

Dee: She left her phone so she went to get it.

Prod: oh, ok

She should be here soon, so I just shrugged it off.

Twinkey's P.O.V

I was dancing with Goldie when I noticed Dee talking to a sexy piece of meat.

Twinkey: Ay Goldie, check out the guy Dee is talking to.

Goldie: Hmm, I'm gonna find out who he is, you coming?

Twinkey: No I mind my business.

Goldie: And I'm not ratchet...

Twinkey: Touche...

Goldie's P.O.V

I went up to the bar where Dee and that gentleman was.

Goldie: Hey Dee, hello you.

Dee: *laughs* Hey Goldie, this was my 5th grade best friend Jacob, Jacob this is Sareena.

Jacob: Hello Sareena * shakes hand*

Goldie: Pleasure to meet you, and call me Goldie.

Jacob: Well Goldie it was nice meeting you, and Dee, I'll cya around *touches Dee's thigh*

Goldie: (once Jacob is outta earshot) what was that?

Dee: What was what?

Goldie: *smirking* That thigh rub

Dee: *laughs* It was just a tap, and it was nothing

Goldie: Mhm, but what's going on with you and Dig?

Dee: *looking left* Nothing why?

Goldie: You're lying, you looked to the left! You always look to the left when you're lying.

Dee: We had an argument this morning when I was at Whole Foods..

Goldie: Oh, well c'mon let's go dance with our girls.

Snooke's P.O.V

Julian just left me on the dance floor to chill with some people. Then I Luv Dem Strippers came on and I started twerking when someone came up behind me and grabbed my waist as I twerked, I figured it was Julian so I kept going til the song was over, the person then kissed my neck and slapped my ass. Julian NEVER does that because he knows I hate when someone touches my butt.

Snooke: Julian?

But the person disappeared, I'm kinda scared...

Shawty's P.O.V

I couldn't fight Jaden, and he raped me. My innocence is gone. I was saving it for Prod. Speaking of, why didn't Prod come check on me, or anyone, did they not notice I was gone, or not care. I stood up but it hurt too bad. No one was there, Jaden raped me and left me. I tried to walk but I couldn't. I felt dizzy and then, I blacked out.

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