What a Day

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Goldie's POV:

Today i woke up at 3 in the morning to get ready to leave for California ! IM SO EXCITIED, everyone spent the night last night so we wouldnt be late. the rest of the girls had woken up so we did our hygenic things then got dressed http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=64010761 we looked too cutee! we went to do our last things like say by to our friends we had said bye to our parents last night. im gonna miss them! by the time we got back home the boys were dressed http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=64012088 they looked like they were freezing aha but they were fly !

Me: mhm yall look cute

Langston: *kisses her* we know

Snooke: no need for cockiness !

Dee: *giggles* yeah i dont want you licking my persuasion *kisses Diggy*

Langston: -.- no more Rihanna for you and i mean it !

Diggy: except for when were alone *winks*

Me: ewww ya lil nasties *Raven's Voice*

Jalen: the Cabs are here *Pauly D's voice*

Snooke: *laughs* well i guess its time to say goodbye to New York huh ?

Twinkey: im gonna miss this place ! *tears up*

Shawty: me too, but im ready to make new memories *smiles*

Prod: and i hope they include me

Shawty: of course

Me: cmon before we miss our flight!

we got and the cab and off we went to the air port ! im not gonna lie i cried knowing that i was gonna be 3,000 miles away from my teachers, parents, and my old friends ... i wonder what our knew high school would be like * there in 11th grade by the way* we were going to Hamilton High School, Lang said he knew a lot of people there so i was ok with being there.

Dee's POV:

we were waiting for our plane number to be called.

Me: so you guys idk about going back to school..

Langston: its cool there a lot of my homies go to that school, its really fun there too i was there my freshman year.

Snooke: i think it'll be fun !

Me: ... guys i got a call last night from Malik telling us that Corahn was behind the whole thing and that we need to watch our babies when there born...

Goldie: yeah Chris told me too .. i think we'll be ok because they NYPD sent our reports to LA so we should be fine.

Jalen: dont worry we got yall

Snooke: i know ba *GCO*

Flight Attendant: Flight 25 for Los Angeles, California will now begin to board flight.

Me: welp thats us *smiles*

Goldie: merpp ! *pouts & looks around* bye New Yark *smiles*

Langston: cmon babe *takes her hand*

The plane ride wasnt bad at all me and Diggy took some really crazy photos on my iPhone 5 :' ) he's so adorable and loveable ! within mins of the flight i started to get sleepy so i went sleep. i woke up to Diggy kissing my forehead.

Diggy: cmon babe were here.


Snooke's POV:

i woke up to California's beautiful sunshine in my eyes. i got my carry on bag and got off the plane and waited for the rest of my crew.

Goldie: omgee omgee do you smell the palm trees ?????? omggeee ohh Lang look at that ! *points at the store*

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