Good News & Bad News

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Adajah's POV:

the boys told me what was going on so i went to try and find the girls to make sure they were ok. Then i heard i 4 gun shots , i screamed and started running looking for the girls ! i saw Corahn come from the back so i ran back there and the boys followed me when we got back there the girls, and their ex boyfrineds were passed out i told them to call 911. i know Corahn did it so it was pointless going to follow him i was scared for Snooke & Goldie cause they were pregnant. they were rushed to the hospital.. we were all in the waiting room, our parents hadnt gotten there yet because they were at the police station, so it was just us friends.

Doctor: where is the family of Desiree, Kaiah, Lashae, Sareena, Samaya at ?

Us: Where here.

Doctor: im sorry but i need blood related family.

Me: Samaya is my blood, but the rest of them are like little sisters to me and these are there boyfriends & friends look were the only ones here for them so please...

Doctor: ok.. well they're fine, but Samaya has to go on bed rest because of all the presure she was under she almost gave birth.. and its too early for the baby to come..there sleep but you can go see them. um are you guys here with Kenny , Chris, Malik and Vinny ?

Julian: yes

i shot a look at him and he shook his head .. i went to check on the girls and Ju, Lang, Johnny, Prod, Cash, Diggy went to go see the boys. i got to the room the girls were in and sat there and cried as they slept.

Snooke's POV:

i woke up hearing Dajah crying i looked around and noticed i was in the hospital , my face hurted a lot. all i remember is Dee getting slapped and me then i blacked out.

Me: *moans* owchh

Dajah: Maya *hugs her* thank God your ok ...

Me: yeah

i turned to look at the girls who were just waking up.

Dee: what happened ?

Goldie: Corahn... smacked all of us except Twinkey she just passed out.

Dee: ohh *nervous look*

Me: whats wrong ?

Dee: i have so- *GCO*

Doctor: hello ladies

US: hi

Doctor: ok so you guys can leave you just have to feel out these release forms, ok ? & Desiree i have these prenatal vitamins for you since your 3 weeks pregnant you need to start taking these.

Dee turned red ! she took the pills and turned away ! the doctor the walked out.

Me: OMG ! Dee i cant believe your pregnant ! omg

Goldie&Shawty: why didnt you tell us ?!?!?!?!

Dee: well i was about to until he cut me off .. and im engaged : )

Dajah: aweeeee !

omg this night has been crazy... i wonder where he boys are.

*2 Weeks Later*

Langston's POV:

i want to fully commit myself to Sareena and my child were leaving in 4 days so i wanna do something special for her.

Julian: aye bro this is a nice ring !

DayDay: i like this one better

(dayday had came back to help us move)

Me: but i like this one the best ! Marli, Ava, Chance which one you like better ?

Chance: omg that one is beautiful ! *pointing to the ring Julian had* but... i think she'll like that one

Marli&Ava: i like LangLang's ring

Me: guess it this one then *smiles & pays for the ring* now to get ready for tonight.

Julian&Day: good luck bro *daps him up*

Lang: thanks well i gotta go get ready.

thegirls: bye uncle Lang *hugs him* love you and good luck.

Goldie's POV:

my heart my sould my life my baby , Langston *smiles* he's the best thing that ever happened to me. Were doing something special tonight since were leaving to go to LA in 4 days i cant wait! but i have to get ready ! i get in the shower and do all hygenice things then i get dressed being pregnant is really a lot of work ! 2 more months and im done im so happy im having a boy ! and im naming him Justin Alexander Higgins, i cant wait... *the link for there outfits is gonna be in the comments*

Langston: baby you look amazing *smiles*

Me: thank you *kisses him & gets in the car* so where we going ?

Langston: this La'Franque,

Me: really ?!?! i heard its beautiful there *smiles*

Langston: yeah then were gonna take a walk in the park *smiles*

Me: ok babe.

we got to the resturant and the food was amazing ! i love Langston soooo much ! he's wonder he rented the whole resturant out for us only ! we got done and went to the park.

Me: its beautiful out here *smiles*

Langston: yeah it is *holds her hand & kisses her* ok so close your eyes

Me: ok *closes eyes*

Langston: k open them *smiles*

Me: *opens eyes* oh my gosh Langston...

Jagged Edge was standing there singing my favorite song Promise i couldnt believe it !

Me: *turns around to look at Langston* baby *gasp*

Langston: baby i love you with all my heart ! i know i've messed up in the past but im human and humans mess up .. but i can PROMISE that what happened before will never happen again baby i want to be with you FOREVER ! i love you Sareena Justina Martines your my world , and i want to stay in your life Justin's life so will you become Mrs. Higgins ?

Me:*crying* oh my God baby of course i will *kisses him*

Tonight was amazing im gonna be Mrs.Higgins yall !

Dee's POV:

i told Diggy about my pregnacy he's sooooo happy, i love his life. i was in the middle of day dreaming about him when my phone was Malik tf ?

Me: hello ?

Malik: look before you hang up i want you to know that i would never hurt you ok ... it was all Corahn's idea... yeah i have the biggest crush on you bo i dont wanna see you with Diggy but i could never hurt you and Kenny Chris Vinny we didnt want to do what Corahn wanted us to do that why he shot us ... ok so dont think its us too oh yeah and when yall come to Cali yall better watch out for those babies that gonna be born ... bye


OH GOD what do you think is gonna happen ?

will Corahn seek revenge on everyone who kept him from Twinkey or will he get caught in the mist of trying to hurt them ?

i also need 1 extra to be Johnny's sister then other extras in the story if you wanna be in it i need





and about yourself

so comment sign up & share thankssss <3 love you guys

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