Preference #15: You break up then make up (Part 1;Requested)

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Harry: You had just gotten home from a day out with your best friends, and overall you were beat. Harry was just sitting on the couch playing around on his phone. "Hey Haz,I'm home!" You call out to him. He looks up from his phone and glares at you. "It's about time! You do realize its like ten, right?" He asks. "Harry, I don't really like your attitude. Big deal, the girls and I got caught up, and I lost track of time." You sigh as you plop down on a chair. This is when Harry stands up and you can tell he is angry. ":(Y/N)! You know I am only home certain months, and you pick this one night, the night after I come home to go out with your friends?! That's insane! Sometimes I wonder if you really want to be in this relationship!" He yells. With tears rolling down your cheeks, you grab your car keys and prepare to walk out of the door, then Harry asks where you are going. You snap your head back and give him a dirty look. "Away from you." You say as you slam the door behind you, and drive to Niall's house, since he was your best friend.

Niall: You were at home flipping through a magazine, when you hear someone walk through the front door. You turn around and see Niall, drunk off his ass...again. He laughs as he stumbles over to the couch and sits next to you. "Heyyyyyyyyy princessssssssssss...sssssssssssssss! I am a snakeeeeeeeeee!" He laughs. You roll your eyes. This is the third night in a row that Niall had come home drunk, and you were getting sick of this. You get up, letting him face plant into one of the couch cushions, but he just laughs. "Niall James Horan! Who the hell do you think you are walking in drunk like this again?!" You asked him. He looked up and got a little angry that you let him fall. "HEY, I was out with the boys! DON'T JUDGE ME!" He yelled. You rolled your eyes as you walked out and got into your car. You had to talk to Liam, since you and him had always been close.

Louis: "I'm just saying you don't have to be an ass all the time!" You yell in his face. Louis was once again being a sassy little boy and was judging what you were wearing. "I'm just saying, that shirt doesn't look good on you! It isn't your color or for your body type!" He complains. You give him a glare and he just shrugs. Not your body type?! The words stuck in your head for a while and you just got more angry. "What do you mean 'Not my body type'?!" You yell, but he doesn't respond. "Screw you Louis!" You scream as you grab your keys and walk out of the flat. If anyone knew how to deal with Louis, it was Harry.

Liam: You and Liam barely fought since he was usually the first to apologize, but this was movie night, and you knew he would stand his ground. "Liam, would it kill you to watch something OTHER than batman or toy story? Dear god, we have other movies." You groan. He just shakes his head. "No! These are my favorites." He says. "Well you know maybe I want to watch something different for once." You reply. "Oh well!" He snaps. Liam never snapped at you like that, so you get up and walk right out of the flat.  Yeah it as just a movie, but it was the way he just snapped at you that drove you nuts. Why would he do that? You decided to walk two blocks to Zayn's flat to just get a little break from Liam. He probably wouldn't mind anyway.

Zayn: "Babe, can you not smoke in the house?!" You yell at him as he starts to light a cigarette. He rolls his eyes as he takes in a breath and blows a puff of smoke in your face. "Deal with it boo, this is who I am, and you need to respect it." He says in a disrespectful tone. "You are such a pig sometimes!" You yell at him. "I love it when you talk dirty to me." He laughs. Was this all a game to him?! You wonder. As you breathed in more smoke, you just walk over to the counter and grab your keys. "Where are you going?!" He calls out. You are about to walk out the door as you stop, look back at him and say "Call me when your through with your pack of suicide Zayn!" and walk out the door. You figure Niall would know what to do.

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