Preference #53: "I Haven't Been Fully Honest With you"

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(A/N: Hi lovelies! So if any of you are internet junkies like me, you will know that this is a new trend. Basically, you text the person you're dating "I haven't been completely honest with you..." then don't respond for an hour, screen shot the conversation, and post it to twitter. I thought this would be a fun preference to do, so here we go!)


You: I haven't been fully honest with you...

Him: What?

Him: Helloooo?

Him: You have 10 minutes to call me or I am going to take it out on Niall!!!!

Him: ...jk

Him: Seriously?!

Him: What the hell is going on?!


You: Niall, I don't think I've been fully honest with you...

Him: Explination please?

Him: What?

Him: Did you eat the last of the cookies that my mum made?!

Him: I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!!! HOW COULD YOU?! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU!!! I can't believe this. Thought we had something special (Y/N)!

Him: Seriously what the fuck is going on?


You: I haven't been fully honest with you Harry...

Him: Babe, what's up?

Him: Hello?

Him: Is this because I kicked you in your sleep?!

Him: Oh wait...this is an internet thing right?

Him: Haha, you got me.

Him: ...right?


You: I haven't been fully honest with you...

HIm: Okay?

Him: Hey?

HIm: Hi?

Him: What is going on...?

Him: I am so confused...

Him: ...are we still together?


You: I haven't been fully honest with you babe...

Him: Sweetie what's wrong?

Him: Darling?

Him: Sugar?

Him: Babyyyyyyyyyyyyy...

Him: I am worried...

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