Chapter 18

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It was Saturday morning and you were waiting eagerly for Oikawa's arrival. That was something you never thought was going to happen but since your plans for the day most likely involved him embarrassing himself, you were looking forward to it.

You jumped up quickly as you heard the doorbell ring and smiled brightly when you saw Oikawa at the door. Oikawa blushed slightly at you smiling face; he had never thought he'd ever see you this happy to see him. However, Oikawa was blissfully unaware of what you had in store for him and your delight was going to make perfect sense to him in a few minutes.

"Hey (Y/N)-chan, you look happy to see me" he smirked as you rolled your eyes playfully.

"Yes Oikawa I am very happy to see you" you scoffed as you took his hands and dragged him upstairs to your bedroom.

Oikawa blushed furiously at your sudden actions and sat in shock on your bed for a few seconds after you had whisked him away up the stairs. He blinked as he saw you rummaging around in a few plastic boxes and raised an eyebrow in confusion when he saw you take out several make-up pallets and what looked like two sets of blue school uniforms, but they weren't Aoba Johsai uniforms.

"What are you doing (Y/N)-chan?" he asked nervously.

You turned around to face him and thrust the larger of the two uniforms into his hands before shoving him in the direction of the bathroom.

"Now go change!" you said as you gave him a final push.

"But (Y/N)-chan I got dressed up all nice today for you" he pouted.

"Too bad, you need to wear this to make it up to me" you smiled slyly.

"Fine" he sighed as he entered the bathroom and locked the door behind him.

You clasped your hands together in excitement and began to change into your own uniform whilst waiting for Oikawa to come out the bathroom.

"Hey (Y/N)-chan did I put it on right?" Oikawa asked as he emerged from your bathroom.

You looked up at him and blushed slightly as you saw him. You shook your head and pressed your hands to either side of your face. What was happening to you? You decided to just brush it off.

"Come sit here" you said as you patted the spot in front of you.

Oikawa obeyed and grinned when he came into eye contact with you.

"Don't make this weird and put this on" you grumbled, handing him the wig cap.

Oikawa sighed and put the wig cap on his head as you whipped out your make-up bag.

"What are you doing?" he asked before you began to dab at his face with foundation. "Hey what's that?" he exclaimed as he shrank back.

"Relax," you laughed, "it's just make-up and it's new and I've also got new brushes just for you so you don't have to worry about contamination."

Oikawa slowly returned to his original position and let you continue to apply the make-up. You moved on to Oikawa's eyes and you stuck your tongue of slightly in concentration as you focused on his eyeliner. Oikawa laughed at your adorable face.

"Hey you'll mess it up!" you said in annoyance.

"Sorry (Y/N)-chan but you just looked so cute" he smiled.

You blushed as you rolled you eyes and finished off the rest of his make-up.

"There all done, now put this on and don't look into the mirror until I say so" you said as you handed him a blond wig.

You turned away and began to apply you own make-up and after about half an hour you pulled on your own wig.

"Ok you can look now" you smiled as you dragged Oikawa over to your mirror.

It was you? - Oikawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now