Chapter 9

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"Remind me why I'm here again?"

Oikawa had dragged you to the gym because apparently, he had forgotten where you lived.

"Come on (Y/N)-chan it's not that bad!"

He took your hand and pulled you in through the doors of the gym.

"Iwa-chan take care of her until I'm back okay?"

You stared at Iwaizumi for a few seconds.

"Did he drag you here again?"


"Hey, no way she's back," Kindaichi said.

"Unfortunately, yes" you said as you walked over to the corner and took your phone out again.

"Any other girl would be all over Oikawa by now," they started murmuring to each other.

"Hey, shut it and get ready to practice, you know we're having a practice match soon!" Iwaizumi snapped.

"Sorry Iwaizumi!"

"Iwa-chan I'm back! You took care of (Y/N)-chan right?"

"Oikawa you idiot she can take care of herself!"

"But what if she got hit by a volleyball" he whined.

"Then it would give me a good excuse to leave," you muttered but just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Haha, she really doesn't like the captain."

"(Y/N)-chan you're so mean!"

You just ignored him and put your headphones in, and the team went back to practice. That was until a stray volleyball almost hit you in the face.

"(Y/N)-chan are you okay?"


Oikawa came running up to you and took your face in his hands.

"It didn't hurt you did it?" he asked worriedly.

"Eww, get your hands off me!" you protested as you wiggled out of his grasp, "it didn't even touch me, now go away!"

"But (Y/N)-chan I was just making sure you were okay!"

"I don't need you to worry about me I'm fine."

"Hey Trashykawa, you heard her, leave her alone!"

Oikawa left you to practice and you sat there rubbing your cheek trying to get all of the Oikawa off it.

Then you got a notification for mystic messenger, you quickly checked the gym to make sure no one was watching you before opening the chatroom. You were happily playing the game when Oikawa decided he needed a break and came and sat right next to you.

"Who are you texting (Y/N)-chan?"

You froze and you felt the colour rush to your face. Frick. This was a bad idea. You quickly tried to hide the phone, but Oikawa took it from you before you had the chance.

"(Y/N)-chan why are they all saying you're so cute?" Oikawa asked, "I thought you didn't have any friends."

You grabbed his head and pulled his ear closer to your lips so that you could talk to him without being heard by anyone else.

"They're not real, okay? It's a game. You can't tell anyone."

"A game?"

"Shhhh, yes, it's called mystic messenger, now be quiet!"

"Mystic messenger, hey my friend plays that too!"

You blinked, "She does?"

Oikawa lowed his voice so that only you could hear.

It was you? - Oikawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now