Chapter 21

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You blinked as you saw Oikawa standing in your doorway.

"It's nine o'clock in the morning" you said groggily as you rubbed your eyes.

It was Sunday morning and Oikawa was smiling brightly at you, while you were dressed in your unflattering pyjamas staring at him, unimpressed.

The two of you had grown closer after your moment on the rooftop and as much as you loved Oikawa he could be very inconvenient at times. Times like now.

"Wanna hang out?" he asked awkwardly.

"It's. Nine. O'clock. In. The. Morning" you repeated slowly.

"Guess I got here a bit early huh?" he grinned.

"How do you even get up this early?" you asked as you let him into the house.

"It's habit at this point" he sighed.

You looked at him for a few seconds, he looked exhausted. It hadn't been long since he had lost a match to Karasuno and blown his chances of going to nationals and his energy had seemed to be constantly depleted at this point.

"Are you over working yourself?" you asked quietly.

"Don't worry about me" he smiled weakly while you furrowed your eyebrows in concern.

How can I not? you thought to yourself.


You sat quietly in the stands as you watched the ball hit the floor. The last few bounces seemed to echo through the building until it erupted in cheers.

You weren't cheering.

How could you?

His dreams had just been crushed and what made it worse was that you hadn't realised just how hard he had worked for this. Until now that is.

You clenched your fists slightly as you saw Oikawa stand up and shake hands with Daichi. He was acting okay for his team. You knew that. So why did it make you angry.

And his knee. Why hadn't you noticed it before? Why hadn't he told you? How could he keep something like that a secret? How had you only just realised it?

You got up from your seat and left to wait outside for the team.

"YOU GUYS DID AMAZING!" Yuda shouted, the tears streaming from his eyes as the team finally emerged from the courts.

"Hey, calm down" you said as you handed him a tissue.

"Seeing Yudacchi calms me down" Oikawa muttered.

You looked at him briefly before peeling Yuda off of Iwaizumi. Oikawa looked back at you but didn't say anything.

"Are we gonna go eat now or what?" Matsukawa asked as you all nodded.

Small time skip~

"Can I have some more noodles please?" Oikawa asked.

"Hey don't make yourself sick" you said as you finished the last of your food.

"Yeah coach already treated us to food earlier" Hanamaki said.

"Shut up I need to eat right now!" Oikawa told him.

"Are you okay Oikawa?" you asked worriedly as he stuffed more noodles in his face.

"Yeah I'm fine" he mumbled.


You glanced at Iwaizumi who just shook his head. You decided to leave the matter, for now at least.

It was you? - Oikawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now