Chapter 5

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superotaku11037: Argh that stupid pretty boy's in my class again ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ')

alien_boi: seriously again???

superotaku11037: ikr it's like the universe is against meT^T

alien_boi: I'm in the same class as this pretty cute girl again^_^

superotaku11037: do I sense a little crush? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

alien_boi: no I just want to be friends with her but she doesn't like me that much

superotaku11037: seriously?? Why not, you're like super cool!!

alien_boi: yeah but not everyone thinks like you

superotaku11037: you are not wrong

alien_boi: oh well, did you make any friends today?

superotaku11037: nah

alien_boi: but you promised your friend right?

superotaku11037: we don't talk that much anymore and I doubt we'll meet up if she ever comes back

alien_boi: wow that really sucks

superotaku11037: oh well, at least I have you

alien_boi: I guess any ideas on when we should meet up?

superotaku11037: I think after we've finished High-school

alien_boi: that sounds like a pretty good idea, as expected from you miss otaku

superotaku11037: wouldn't it be super weird if we knew each other already???

alien_boi: omg it would but I doubt it

superotaku11037: same tho

alien_boi: so do you plan on watching the lunar eclipse tonight??

superotaku11037: oh I almost forgot about that yeah I am

alien_boi: its gonna be super cool!!!

superotaku11037: I know you've been going on about it for ages already

alien_boi: I'll be thinking of you when I watch it

superotaku11037: since when did you get so flirty?

alien_boi: sorry that was just my school self coming through

superotaku11037: you sound about as bad as the guy at my school sheesh

alien_boi: good job you know what I'm actually like

superotaku11037: yeah anyways you didn't push yourself too hard at volleyball right?

alien_boi: yep my knee's fine

superotaku11037: good

alien_boi: also practice ended early since it was the first day, we have some pretty good first years, maybe we'll make it to nationals and beat that other stupid team that went last year

superotaku11037: yeah hopefully

superotaku11037: oops sorry mr alien fanboy but a mystic messenger chatroom has opened and I can't miss it, my love 707 is waiting for me!!

alien_boi: I swear I need to get you a real boyfriend before you lose all interest in real men

superotaku11037: sorry but I lost that interest years ago

alien_boi: so there's no hope for me?

superotaku11037: I didn't say that now did I?

alien_boi: so I have a chance?

superotaku11037: I didn't say that either now, bye bye

alien_boi: wow way to shut me down, bye bye then

Oikawa smiled at his phone. He had downloaded this app partly because he wanted someone to accept him for who he really was and partly because his friends had dared him to get it. Oikawa had kind of just joked around with random people at first, but you were the only one who'd stayed friends with him, everyone else just thought he was really weird.

Now that the two of you had been talking for a few years he was really excited to meet you. He didn't know if he could wait until he finished school and he hoped that you wouldn't be disappointed with him. He'd often thought about who you could be and if he knew you in real life, he had crossed just about everyone's name off his list so he highly doubted that you had ever met before.

Oh well, he thought, we're going to meet soon at least.

He stared out his window to view the eclipse. Miss otaku is watching this, he thought as he smiled gently.

All of you should go and read @CosmicStardust14 headcanons right now because they are good even though there are only two at the moment. And idk when lunar eclipses happen but one's happening in this fanfic so it doesn't matter. Also seven might be my favourite even though I've never done his route (I haven't had mystic messenger for very long).

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