Chapter 20

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"No way you actually brought it to school" Iwaizumi said as he looked at Oikawa sceptically.

"Its not like I could show her anywhere else" Oikawa grumbled as he shoved the box back into his bag.

"Yeah and it's not like she'll appreciate you showing her when other people can see" Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"Well that, Iwa-chan, is where my secret plan comes in handy" Oikawa winked as he made finger guns at Iwaizumi.

"Secret plan, since when has that ever worked with her?" Iwaizumi asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"How many secret plans have I made?" Oikawa asked sarcastically.

"Well there was one time you made a secret plan to scare her and then she saw you hiding under the stairs and scared you instead" Iwaizumi recalled as Oikawa sighed, vaguely remembering how you had almost given him a heart attack.

"Ok, that was one time" he pouted.

"Still happened"

"Look this time is different, I'm not five anymore" Oikawa protested.


"Iwa-chan, I really like her, please don't tell anyone"

Iwaizumi sighed as he saw his best friends face.

"Fine Trashykawa, I won't tell anyone"

"Thanks Iwa-chan" Oikawa smiled.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" Iwaizumi asked angrily.

"Because you're Iwa-chan~" Oikawa replied as he ducked Iwaizumi's punch.

Time skip~

"And why are we on the roof?" you asked as you stared at Oikawa with your arms crossed.

"I thought you'd appreciate no one being around" Oikawa smiled as he sat down.

"Well it's not that I don't," you blushed, "I just want to know why" you said as you sat down in front of him.

"I have a surprise for you" he replied as he pulled the box out.

He handed it to you and you looked at it suspiciously.

"Me and (Y/N)-chan" you read as you raised an eyebrow before looking back up at Oikawa.

"Open it" Oikawa grinned.

You did as he said and all the pictures spilled out.

"Jeez how did you fit all of this in here?" you laughed as you looked at the pile of pictures before you.

"Well I had to keep all the pictures of us somehow" Oikawa replied as he laughed as well.

"Wait this is us?" you asked in surprise.

"The box said me and (Y/N)-chan of course it's us!"

You carefully looked through the pictures.

"Hey that's when we went to see the fireworks" you said as you pointed to the one of the two of you posing while fireworks exploded behind you.

"I think this one's nice" Oikawa said as he handed you a picture of you tackling him from the side with a hug while he was reaching for the volleyball you had made him drop.

"Wow was I always so touchy-feely?" you asked as you grimaced at the thought.

"You always gave the best hugs" Oikawa sighed as he remembered.

"No I didn't" you said quietly as you felt your face get warmer.

"And you were so smiley and happy all the time" Oikawa said as he looked fondly at you.

It was you? - Oikawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now