Chapter 15

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superotaku11037: I hate fangirls

alien_boi: oh no what happened

superotaku11037: eh just ran into some people I didn't think I'd see again but no need to worry your pretty little head

alien_boi: you think my head is pretty???

superotaku11037: yeah sure

alien_boi: wow miss otaku I'm blushing (≧∀≦)

superotaku11037: eww no don't do that, I don't want you to get feelings

alien_boi: what's wrong with having feelings???

superotaku11037: they make me feel all icky

alien_boi: they make you feel icky???

superotaku11037: yep they make me feel all gross inside

alien_boi: all I'm getting from this is that you had or have a crush on someone

superotaku11037: eww gross no why would you think that

alien_boi: it's not me is it?

superotaku11037: you wish

alien_boi: what if I do wish?

superotaku11037: then stop wishing

alien_boi: way to crush my dreams T^T

superotaku11037: sorry but relationships involve commitment and I'm not ready for that

alien_boi: why not

superotaku11037: idk I'm just not

alien_boi: hmmm I bet I can change your mind

superotaku11037: really? I doubt it

alien_boi: hey don't jump to conclusions yet miss otaku I'll have you know I'm very experienced!!!

superotaku11037: yeah but all your girlfriends broke up with you

alien_boi: you don't need to remind me T_T

superotaku11037: sorry but I'm still not going to meet up with you until after school

alien_boi: I know idk if I can wait that long tho

superotaku11037: don't worry you just gotta hang in there I'll always be waiting for you y'know

alien_boi: wow miss otaku

alien_boi: I think I'm in love now ♡

superotaku11037: eww no don't do that ಠ_ಠ

alien_boi: jk but I'll still wait for you too

superotaku11037: good you've been my best friend for years now I don't need you to get feelings

alien_boi: I won't get them if you don't want me too

superotaku11037: good well mr alien fanboy I must bid you farewell for it is time for me to fall into a deep slumber

alien_boi: lol sleep tight miss otaku

superotaku11037: wow I really summoned my Shakespeare skills for that as well

alien_boi: sorry miss otaku but I don't speak old people language

superotaku11037: clearly ( ̄- ̄)

You smiled as you set your phone down, Mr alien fanboy always made you smile and you were glad that he was there to cheer you up.

Oikawa, on the other hand, frowned at his phone. You had only mentioned it briefly but you had run into people you didn't think you'd see again? Was that why you weren't at the practice match?

He sighed in frustration, he knew he should have asked the coaches to let you sit on the bench next to the court. They had never let any of his other girlfriends do that before but he knew they liked you.

"Oh (Y/N)-chan I'm so sorry" he whispered to himself as he flopped onto his bed. "I really should have taken better care of you"

He smiled as he pictured what you'd say to him if he told you that.

"I can take care of myself!"

"I know you can, but wouldn't it be nice to have someone else care for you?" he said as he rolled over.

Oikawa sighed. He was talking to himself again and he was sure that you wouldn't appreciate him having imaginary conversations with you.

You pulled your covers up over you head as you got into bed. You were going to finish the last mystic messenger chatroom for the day and then you were going to go to sleep. You had given up going to the 3AM ones.

You smiled as the chatroom ended, meaning you could finally go to sleep. You groaned as you realised there was school tomorrow.

"Haha I have to deal with Oikawa, how wonderful" you sighed to yourself. "I guess I should apologise for leaving before I could watch him play volleyball"

You shut your eyes tightly as you tried to sleep but the fact that you had left without mentioning anything to anyone was playing on your mind.

"It's not like me to get hung up on this kinda stuff" you sighed as you shut your eyes tighter.

"Stupid Oikawa"

Oikawa was stunning in the new episode.

It was you? - Oikawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now