Chapter 2

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"So, did you download that app I told you about?"

You looked up at your friend, Sakura.

"What? Oh yeah, I did," you said quietly as you looked back down at your lunch.

"So, did you make any friends?"

"Ummmm, maybe?"

"What do you mean maybe?"

"I met one guy who asked to be friends."

"Really! What's he like?"

"Well I don't really know, we only talked for a few minutes."

"Ugh, you never tell me anything! Wait how long did you stay up last night?" she asked, she had noticed the bags under your eyes.

You froze, she was on to you. You had recently started watching a new anime and last night had turned into a binge session, like most nights.

"Uhh..." you trailed off.

"Don't tell me you stayed up again (Y/N) we're going to high-school soon, you can't keep doing this, you need to have time to study too!"

"Okay Sakura but this anime had a really cute side character, I've already started brainstorming the fanfic ideas, I was thinking a soulmate AU for this one."

"How about instead of writing fanfiction, you do your homework instead?"

"Sakura, you know I always complete my homework."

"Yeah but you do it last minute, that's not good for you, you'll just get stressed out!"

"I get it done and that's all that matters to me right now," you said slowly as you struggled to keep your eyes open.

"Your half asleep already, you need to promise me that you'll get a goodnight sleep tonight okay?"


"I'm just worried about you alright?"

"I know," you said as you smiled sleepily at your friend, she was always there to take care of you.

Then you both heard the squealing girls outside your classroom. You slammed your head onto your desk and groaned. You really didn't want to deal with him today.

"Hey Oikawa, I got these for you," one girl said as she held out some chocolates.

"Ummm, this is for you," another girl said shyly as she produced a red envelope from her pocket.

"Hey, watch it, here you go Oikawa," a girl said sweetly as she gave him a heart shaped card.

"Why did he have to be in the same class as us?" you groaned, this happened every day and the noise gave you headaches considering you stayed up most nights.

"I know you hate him but hopefully its just for this year," Sakura said as she tried to reassure you.

"He's going to Aoba Johsai too though, so I'll still have to see his stupid face even if we aren't in the same class!"

"Sorry eveyone but I can't take these otherwise Iwa-chan will get angry at me again," Oikawa told the gaggle of girls that surrounded him. There was a collective 'aww' as the girls sighed in disappointment, but they soon dispersed pretty quickly after that.

"Yes, they've gone!" you cheered silently, and Sakura giggled at your relieved face.

"I still don't know why you hate Oikawa so much, (Y/N)"

"Oh Sakura, you just think he's attractive like everyone else, you can't see that he's just a stupid little narcissist," you scoffed.

"Oh, come on (Y/N) you know he works hard at his sport too; he can't be that bad!"

"Fine you can think that, but I won't let myself be fooled by his charms," you said as you crossed your arms.

"So, you think he's charming?"

You shot Sakura a dirty look, "Shut up."

"Hey (Y/N)-chan, Sakura-chan" Oikawa winked at the two of you and waved. You glared at him and Sakura smiled back.

"You don't have to be so harsh to him you know," Sakura told you.

"And you don't have to be so friendly to him."

"This is why I'm your only friend," Sakura said as she shook her head in disappointment.

"I just don't see why he's so nice to everyone all the time, it's so fake, like all those smiles," you pouted, "at least I'm honest about how I feel about people."

"Maybe if you weren't so hostile all the time, people would at least like you."

"I don't need to be liked by people, I'm fine on my own."

"Look, (Y/N) you know I'm leaving at the end of the year; I don't want you to get lonely without me, at least try to make some new friends."

"I don't need new friends."

Sakura looked at you worriedly, she had never had trouble making friends, but you were a different story. If she could stay in Japan she would, but it wasn't her choice, her father had gotten a better job opportunity, but they needed to move to America. She really didn't want you to be lonely but there was more to it than that, before she had befriended you, she knew there were a few girls who had given you a hard time, she didn't want you to go through that again.

"Hey, Trashykawa you better not be late to practice again!" Iwaizumi called out to Oikawa.

"Iwa-chan's so mean," he muttered under his breath, "Don't worry I won't!"

You smiled slightly, you liked Iwaizumi, he managed to keep Oikawa in line, and you found it very amusing when he threw volleyballs at Oikawa's head. The only thing you didn't understand was why they stayed friends when Iwaizumi was clearly annoyed by all the attention Oikawa got but then again, apparently they had known each other since forever.

"Hey (Y/N) try and stay awake for the rest of the day okay?"

"I'll try Sakura."

"Good, I'll text you after school, okay?"

Do you ever get the urge to just hug Oikawa or any anime character because they need it? Also I'm introducing your new friend in this chapter but I don't think she's gonna be in this again because in this fanfic you are going to be lonely.

It was you? - Oikawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now