Chapter 22

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You came back down the stairs only to be met with the sight of Oikawa passed out on your sofa.

"That's what he gets for waking up early" you sighed as you peered down at him.

The ice pack was starting to slip off of his knee. You quickly grabbed it and held it in place for a few seconds before you realised that you didn't want to sit here like this until you woke up.

"Where's the tape?" you asked yourself quietly before you realised that taping it to his leg would probably cut his circulation off and you didn't think he'd be too happy if his leg had to get amputated because of you.

"Amputated?" you asked yourself in confusion, "way to overthink (Y/N)."

Your leg began to bounce up and down as you held the ice pack for a little longer, you could already feel it starting to get mushy and it was cold on your hand but you didn't want his knee to suffer.

In the end you found a way to balance it on his knee and, praying to yourself that it wouldn't fall off, you jumped up and went to go and find some blankets.

"Why are they so far back?" you complained as you stuck your arm further into the airing cupboard.

You hadn't used the blankets in ages seeing as no one had ever really been round your house in years so they had been shoved right at the back.

"Finally" you said as you grabbed the corner of one of them and pulled it out. However, this caused the entire contents of the cupboard to spill out onto you.

You groaned as you picked them all up and put them back into the cupboard as neatly as you could; you couldn't wait for your parents to scream at each other for messing up the clothes even though it was you.

You carried the blanket downstairs and placed it over the top of Oikawa after you removed the ice pack from his leg, putting the cloth that you covered it in back in the kitchen.

You sat down on the floor below Oikawa and picked up the TV remote.

"Anime on the big screen," you smirked to yourself before putting Hunter X Hunter on.

It had been about six episodes when Oikawa began to stir. You hadn't noticed of course.

"DAICHI WO FUMISHIMETE KIMI WA MEZAMETEIKU TENSHI NO HOHOEMI DE TSUREDASHITE" you screamed forgetting that someone was sleeping on your sofa.

You only stopped when you felt someone bonk you slightly on the head.

"AHH SHIT!" you practically jumped out of your skin.

"My goodness such profanities (Y/N)" Oikawa grinned sleepily as he sat up.

"Says the person who swore fifty plus times the other day" you said as you rolled your eyes, pausing the TV in the process.

Oikawa glanced up at the screen quickly.

"I see" he sighed as he realised what you had been screaming.

"It's catchy ok" you pouted.

"Sure it is" he smiled before he noticed the blanket, "did you do this?" he asked.

"No the tooth fairy did" you paused for a second, "of course I did it!"

Oikawa laughed and you smiled brightly at him.

"Do you want some food?" you asked, "I can go get something from the shops."

"Only if its not too much trouble" he replied.

"Anything with you is trouble" you muttered, "but I don't mind," you smiled as you grabbed your bag from the side.

"Hey let me come with you" Oikawa said as he stood up.

It was you? - Oikawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now