Chapter 17

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You and Takeru were sitting on a bench waiting for Oikawa to come back.

"Why is uncle Tooru taking so long?" Takeru whined.

"I don't know but if he doesn't come back soon I'm gonna kick his ass" you muttered.

"I bet he's met some girls" Takeru mumbled.

"He better not have, I didn't come out here for nothing" you said angrily.

"Uncle Tooru forced you to come?"

"Your uncle Tooru blackmailed me"

"I'm gonna tell my mummy about him!"

"Yeah you do that" you smiled as you patted his head.

"I just wanted some ice-cream" Takeru murmured.

"Ok that's it" you said as you stood up "Takeru lets go find Oikawa"

You held your hand out for the boy to take so he wouldn't get lost and Takeru happily took it as the two of you set off to go and look for Oikawa.

"(Y/N)-chan, you said you didn't like uncle Tooru, why is that?" Takeru asked as you scanned the park for Oikawa.

"Well uncle Tooru is a big dum dum and he's done a few things that made me sad" you explained simply, you didn't need to get into details.

"Uncle Tooru does that to me too! But I still love him..." Takeru whispered the last part.

You smiled at Takeru, he clearly admired his uncle a lot even if he was rude to him.

"So don't you love him too (Y/N)-chan!" Takeru blurted out.

"Takeru, I-" you stammered in disbelief "why would you ask that?"

"I just, I- I want you to be my auntie (Y/N)-chan!"

You smiled as you knelt down to pat him on the head.

"I'll still be your auntie Takeru but I'm not going to marry that idiot"

"But don't you need to marry uncle Tooru for that to happen?"

You shook your head.

"Technically speaking yes, but you can just call me auntie (Y/N) and then I don't have to marry anyone"

Takeru smiled and then his eyes widened as he saw Oikawa.

"Hey auntie (Y/N) it's uncle Tooru" he said as he pointed at Oikawa who was currently posing in front of a bowing boy.

"That son of a-" you started before remembering the child.


"(Y/N)-chan!" Oikawa said surprised as he took his phone back from the random stranger.


"Yeah but I ran into Tobio-chan!"

You stormed up to Oikawa, still holding Takeru's hand, and kicked him in the shin.

"Ow, what was that for!" he asked.

"Hey, is this Tobio-chan?" you asked as you pointed to a confused Kageyama completely ignoring Oikawa.

"You have a child?" Kageyama asked Oikawa.

"What?" Oikawa screamed, "I don't have a child!"

"I wouldn't be surprised if you did" you muttered.

"Come on (Y/N)-chan you know I'm not like that!"

"You're not?" you asked in fake surprise.

"So she's not your girlfriend?" Kageyama asked.

It was you? - Oikawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now