Chapter 20: Sports Festival pt.4

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"Don't worry, y/n! We won't lose!"

We inch closer to Todoroki's team, our legs burned and our breaths shortened. "Y/n, don't stop! We have to get it!" Uraraka touches Deku and takes away all the weight from my back, allowing me to go even faster. Ida stops and turns Todoroki around."This is our chance! Get it back!" I ran faster than I ever had before.'I can't lose, I can't lose'. My mind repeats those two words as we get closer to Todoroki.

Deku reaches his arm out as Todoroki lifted his left hand, flames growing out of it. My heart freezes for a second, he just used his left side. The side that he swore to never use. A booming cheer comes from the crowd as Todoroki's flames grow bigger. Deku swings his arm, pushing the fire down towards me. I shrieked as the fire danced across my left cheek, I quickly lifted my hand to my face and looked up at Todoroki. The cold, dark look in his eyes left as he saw me holding my cheek. Deku swings his hand towards Todoroki's neck and grabs our headband back.

"Team Midoriya manages to get a headband!" Present Mic's voice booms through the stadium, along with thundering cheers from the audience."Deku... are my eyes working right." I look over at Deku as see his eyes widen in fear I snacth the headband from his hands and my body freezes."...But not the one they were hoping for!" Present Mic's voice echoes through the air as loud 'boos' are heard from the crowd. The head band was worth 70 points, not the 10,000,000 point one we had when the game started. "Y/n! There's still time! We can get another one!" Uraraka nudges my arm as I stared down at the headband, I clenched it in my hands and threw it back to Deku."Yeah we-"

"DEKU I'M GONNA KILL YOU. YOU BASTARD!" Bakugo flies towards us, his hands ready to attack. I look at Todoroki's team and see them in a fighting stance, I follow and begin running towards them as Deku reaches his arms out. Bakugo gets closer to us as we desperately run towards Todoroki's team who just stood there. Todoroki shields his face as Deku-


Bakugo's strong body falls on the floor with a thud. I let go of Deku's feet, causing him to fall down on Tokoyami and Uraraka. We lost. I lost. My hand fell down from my cheek and it stung when the sun hit it, my brain told me to cover it, shield it, it hurt like hell, but I just couldn't move. A hand is placed on my back and my head slowly turns to Deku, he looks down at the grass as a breeze brushes his hair across his face. Uraraka and Tokoyami just watched as he hugged me."I'm sorry, y/n." My body couldn't move. I'm moving. I'm leaving my friends.

Todoroki promised that he wouldn't leave me, but here I am. I'm the one that's going to be leaving him. My arms wrap tightly around Deku as I feel a small tear fall down my cheek."It's okay. I'm sorry that I couldn't help more." He lets go of me and puts his hands firmly on my shoulders."You did. If it weren't for you we probably wouldn't have even gotten the seventy pointer." He gives me a small smile and I wipe my cheek, the burn that I got from Todoroki stung when I touched it but I ignored it. I turn around and see Todoroki looking into thin air, his eyes- they weren't cold or worried. His eyes were empty. There was nothing."Todo-"

"Y/N!" Uraraka jumped on me before I could talk to Todoroki. Uraraka jumped up and down as she pointed towards Tokoyami. My eyes widened as I saw what Dark Shadows was holding- a 656 point headband. I ran towards Tokoyami and tackled him onto the floor."Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." I cried to him as he awkwardly layed on the floor, I felt more weight land on me as I continued to say thank Tokoyami."How did you do it?" Deku cried out from above me, his weight crushed my body but I couldn't think of that now- not when Tokoyami saved us.

"It was all because of you, Midoriya, y/n." We got off him and he stood up and brushed his pants off."If y/n didn't stop Kaminari's last attack, Dark Shadows would've been too scared." I stood there in shock as he explained how I helped. "And Midoriya gave me an opening to get the headband when he grabbed the seventy point one, his head was unguarded so I took my chance." Uraraka cheered as Deku jumped up and down, Tokoyami just watched with a satisfied smile plastered on his face.

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