Chapter 15: Training

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After the talk I had with my dad, we hadn't spoken to each other the rest of the day. I was angry. He, of all people, knew that I worked too hard to get into U.A. and he just expected me to leave. I understand his concern but I can protect myself now. I refuse to leave U.A, to leave my new friends. I lay in my bed when suddenly, my phone dings.

Deku :)

Hey y/n! Just wanted to see if you wanted to come train with me and Uraraka at the park today?


sure, meet you in ten? 

Deku :)

Sounds good, cya soon

I quickly got off my bed and went to change. I threw on a pair of black spandex and a white tank top. I grab a bag and throw in a water bottle, gum and phone and keys. I quickly walk downstairs and slip on tennis shoes when dad stops me."Where are you going?" He calls out from his office."training in the park with some friends, I'll be back before dinner." I quickly opened the door and slipped out the house.


"Hi y/n!" Uraraka calls out to me as I jog over to where her and Izuku had been stretching, I place my bag down and begin stretching myself."Hi, so what are we working on today?" Izuku gets off the ground and rolls his shoulders front and back."I was just gonna do some physical training but you can do whatever, we'll help if you need." I nod and continue to strecth out.

"Actually, Izuku, I was hoping that you could help me a bit. Do you have you hero anilyse?" Izuku nods and quickly grabs it out from his bag."I just need help understanding my quirk a bit more. I need to know how to use it effectively." I say as I roll my neck sid-to-side."Okay, well theres a lot that I could tell you about energy manipulation. It's not that easy to control, as you know, so it takes a lot of concentration." Izuku sits back down by Uraraka and I follow him. "Wow, really? I didn't know that. Can I see you do something y/n?" Uraraka perks up and looks over at Izuku's notes.

I hum in response and lift my palm up like I was holding something. I focus a wad of energy to my palms and a ball of white-colored energy comes out and spins around my palms. Uraraka's eyes glow as she stares at the energy in my palm, after a few seconds I absorb the energy back into my body."So you know how to use it in blast and you can easily control it into certain shapes, correct?" Izuku says looking back down at his book, I hum in response."Well, do you know how to control the tempurature of it?" My eyes widen and my eyebrows raised a little.

"You can do that? How excatly?" I say. Izuku rubbs his fingers on his chin as he tries to think of an explanation, he perks up and raises his finger to the air."Well, lets think of it as this." Izuku grabs his water bottle and opens the lid." Remember how we learned about the phases of water in junior high? Well, if you think of it, the ammount of energy can control the tempurature." Izuku holds out the water bottle to me and I take it in my hands."Add energy to the water." He pointed the the water bottle. 

I did as he said and the water slowly began to grow warmer. After a few more seconds, the water began boiling in the metal bottle."Woah, that's so cool!" Uraraka shouted, throwing a fist in the air. "So baiscally, what your saying is that all I need to do is add energy to change the tempurature of things?" Izuku nods,"And vice versa, but we're only talking about water here, nothing like cement or anything." I nod again and try to take away energy from the water, it slowy cooled down and returned to it's original state. The rest of the days training consisted of me holding Izuku's water, trying to change the tempuratures, while Izuku and Uraraka sparred with each other. 

I threw my head back in frustration as the water barely changed tempuratures. "Like everything else, it takes time to master. Maybe you should take a break from that and practice some normal fighting skills." Izuku says as he and Uraraka sit down besides me. I hand him back his water and he gulps half of it down."Maybe, but I don't think that I'll need it." I say as I get up and dust off the back of my spandex. Izuku lets out a small chuckle and gets up too."I know, but you need to do something other than work on tempurature change. Maybe you should..." Izuku puts his hands on his hips and furrows his eyebrows.

"I know! Lets work on our stamnia! It's probably one of the most important things when your in battle." Uraraka anounces as she gets up and wipes her sweaty forehead. Izuku and I look at eachother and shrug,"Sure." We say in unison. Suddenly, Uraraka begins speeding away from us."Last one back has to buy lunch tomorrow!" She yells out as she runs away. Without hesitation, I run after her Izuku ran just behind me as we desperately tried to catch up to her.


"Wow, that was a workout, my legs feel like theyre gonna fall off!" I breathe out as I fell back down on the cold grass. "Yeah, don't forget you owe us lunch tomorrow Deku." Uraraka teased as she fell besides me."Yeah Izuku, don't forget." I joined Uraraka in the teaseing. Izuku falls down besides us and let out a hum in response."Hey, y/n, why do you call him Izuku? Everyone else calls his 'Midoriya' or 'Deku'?" Uraraka sits up and looks down at me, I shrug and push myself of the grass."Eh, I don't really know. I've always called him 'Izuku' so I guess it would be kinda odd to change that now." I say as I stand up."Anyways, let's go. It's getting pretty dark and I told my dad I would be back by dinner time, maybe he'll let you guys join." I held Izuku's hands and hoisted him up.

"Yeah, I haven't had your dad's cooking in ages!" Izuku says as he reaches to pick up his bag. I pick up my own bag and walk beside Uraraka, who was in the middle of Izuku and I. We walked together to my house, little bits of chatter were spread out here and there."So, y/n, what's going on between you and Todoroki? You guys are pretty close, huh? Maybe a little too close for friends." Uraraka wiggled her eyebrows and nudged my shoulder."No, no, no. It's nothing like that. We're just friends, that's all." I frantically waved my arms in front of me, trying to deny what she had suggested."Whatever you say, y/n." Uraraka shrugged and turned back over to Izuku to finish their conversation.

We walked into my house and began taking off our shoes, the smell of curry and vegatables made our mouths water."Hey, y/n dinner- Izuku! Nice to see you again!" Dad walks away from the stove and goes to hug Izuku, Izuku got nervous and began rambling. Dad just laughed at him and turned over to Uraraka."Hi, I'm y/n's dad." He stuck his hand out and Uraraka shook it with a smile."Hi, I'm Uraraka Ochaco!" My dad smiled at her and walked over to me and patted my head."Dinners ready, go wash your hands and then we can start eating." 


Izuku, Uraraka and I layed on the cold, wet grass in my backyard. Uraraka was put flowers into Izuku's hair as I made a flower crown out of daisies from my garden. "I have something to say." I announce as I finish the flower crown and tied it up."What is it, y/n?" Uraraka asked, pausing from putting flowers in Izuku's hair. I let out a sigh and take a deep breath."My dad, he wants me to leave U.A." I huff out as I place the daisy crown on my head."He wants me to transfer schools after the sports festival."

Izuku and Uraraka jolt up and look at me."No way! You've wanted to go here since we were little, you worked so hard! You can't leave." Izuku says."Yeah! You're one of the best students in our class y/n!" Uraraka scoots over to me and holds my hands. "I don't want to, but my dad said I have to," I start,"But I talked to him while you guys were still washing your hands.."

"I know that you still want me to transfer schools and all," Your dad looks down at you as you grabbed silverware from a drawer,"But I want to neggotiate something." You look up at him, determination on your face. He lets out a long sigh before agreeing,"Fine, what is it." Your eyes widen in surprise, you never expected him to actually agree with you."If I get into the top three during the sports festival.." You begin,"You have to let me stay. It'll prove my strength to you, show you that I can take care of myself." Your dad looks back at the pot on the stove. "And if you don't?"

"I'll transfer."

"And he agreed?" Izuku looked at you in your eyes, his green eyes sparkling with hope."Yes, yes he did." I nodded slightly, a small smile creeping up my face. Uraraka and Izuku cheer and hug me. I held them in my arms and smiled."I just have to work extra hard now." They both let go and look at me, determination in their eyes."We'll help you. You'll stay here with us and everyone else."

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