Chapter 7: Truth

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I wake up to the buzzing of my phone. I groan and grab it and look at the time. 4:00 AM. WHAT THE HELL. I unlock my phone and open the messages that were sent. My jaw dropped when I saw who it was from.


y/n wake up, I need to talk to you. 3:45am

please? 4:00am

You stare in shock as you read the messages he sent. What was so important that he had to talk to you at 4 in the morning. Maybe he was trying to apologize. You sigh and click on his contact and call him. After three rings he picks up.

"y/n did you do the homework last night? I forgot to-'' You hung up and screamed into your pillow. Was it so hard to say sorry? Seriously what was wrong with him? As annoyed as you were, you got up and opened your bag to get out the homework. You took a quick picture and sent it to Bakugo.



make sure that you put down a few different answers so that Aizawa knows you didn't cheat



Sure, you were upset with him but Aizawa would just give him shit for not doing the homework and it would just disrupt class. Letting out a sigh you crawl back into your sheets and try to go to sleep. You shift and turn but couldn't go back to sleep. You decided that you would just do some extra training since you couldn't sleep.

You walk to the bathroom and wash your face and brush your teeth. You brush your hair and throw it into a low ponytail. You walk back into your room and throw on a black tank top and a pair of running shorts. Quietly, you walk downstairs and grab a water bottle and an apple. You grab a bag and throw your house keys, water, phone and your energy gum in it.

You slip on black tennis shoes and head out to the park near your house. You jog in the cool morning air. It's still pretty dark outside so you take out your phone and use it as a flashlight. You pass by the quiet houses, all the lights out, all except one. You slow down a bit and look at the lit windows and figures through the glass.

You're a house or two away from the lit house. You flinch as you hear low muffled shouts from the house. You freeze as the front door slams open and a boy runs out. You squint your eyes a bit to see that the boy has red and white hair."Todoroki?" You whisper to yourself. He runs away from the house and you chase after him.

You desperately try to catch up to him but he's just too fast. As your last resort you focus all your energy to your legs and use your quirk to help speed you up. As you slowly start to catch up to him he stops at a hill of grass and walks up it. You try to slow down in time but fail, resulting in you rolling over a few times and bumping into a tree.

You sit up and rub your back. You spot Todoroki still laying down on the ground. You get up and walk over to him.

"Todoroki? Is that you?" He jumps up as you speak. You walk close and see that he's only in a white slim tank top and sweats."y/n? Why are you here?" He sits up as you squat beside him. "I could ask you the same." He lets out a sigh and stares up at the sky."Just needed to get out of the house." You open your bag out, take a piece of gum and pop it into your mouth."At four in the morning?"

"Well why are you out at four in the morning?" He retorts."Bakugo woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep so I thought I'd go out to train a little. I was on my way to the park but I saw you run out of your house." You laid down on the grass a few feet away from him. "Oh, you saw that?" He laughed nervously. You stared at him weirdly.

"Why are you acting so weird? Did something happen to you?" You blew a bubble. He tensed up for a second but rolled back his shoulders. "Nothings wrong." He said coldly. He turned his face away from you and hugged his legs. "Todoroki, I'm your friend, you know you can talk to me." I tried to touch his shoulder but he grabbed my wrist and froze it. "What the hell!" You pulled your arm back and watched as the ice crawled up your arm. " You could've just told me that you didn't want to talk, you didn't have to freeze my fucking arm!" And with that you stood up and grabbed your bag with your free hand.

You started to walk down the hill until Todoroki called out to you."Wait, y/n. I'm sorry I didn't mean to." He jogged down the hill and held your hand, melting the ice. "I'm sorry y/n, I am. I'm just not in a good mood." He pulled his hand back into his pocket. You look up at him meeting his eyes once again. "Todoroki, what's wrong." You say firmly looking at him straight in the eyes. You could see him hesitate to say something but he just sighs.

"It's a long story, y/n." He looks down at the grass."Well, we have a while until school starts so let's get started." You sit down on the grass and he looks at you in surprise. He slowly sits down next to you. He lets out another long sigh. "It's about my dad."


You look at him with wide eyes as he speaks. He told you everything. About how he was the result of a quirk marriage. How his father bought his mother's family to use them for their quirks. How he was only born just to beat All Might and become the number 1 hero. He told you about how his childhood was, he trained day and night and never got to experience a normal life.

You look at him with glossy eyes. How could his father be so cruel to him? He's such a great person yet his father treated him like shit. "So, did he do this to you?" You cup the left side of his cheek and he flinches at the touch. He looks down at the ground." No, this was my mother's doing, that's why she was sent away. She said that it resembled him. She hated it so she tried to get rid of it by pouring boiling water from a kettle on it." He turned his head so my hand would drop

"Todo-" He stopped you."I know ,it looks disgusting. You probably won't want to be my friend after this so-" smack. You slap him across the face, the sound echoing through the air. He turns his head back towards you to see tears running down your soft cheeks. The moonlight luminating your face."Don't say that." You look into his shocked eyes. "Don't say things like that. I'm your friend. You're my friend. That's it. Don't think that any of that would affect our friendship because it doesn't, if anything it just makes it stronger." You look up at him and cup his left cheek again. You brush the hair out of his face and caress his cheek. "This, Shoto Todoroki, is beautiful. It shows that you're strong. It shows that you haven't given up." You were practically sobbing at this point." I don't think it's disgusting.

"Don't say such things about yourself." You throw yourself on to him and hug him tightly, you hug him like your life depended on it. You feel him return the hug. He holds you tightly, so tight that I could barely breathe. He buried his head into my neck and let hot tears run down his face. "Todoroki. You don't have to go through this alone now." He lifts his head up and looks at you in the eyes."Because I'm here. I'll help you through this. I'll protect you." You hold him closer and tighter.

You both stay there for a while. Just holding each other and crying. The sun starts to come up and you both stand up. "y/n," he grabs your arm and locks his eyes on yours,"Thank you. I'll protect you too. I'll help you." You smile and wrap your arms around him. You grab your phone out of your pocket at check the time. 7:15 am. "SHIT, I HAVE TO GET READY." You let go of him and show him your phone. His eyes widen and he runs down the hill towards his house.

As you're running you laugh like a maniac. "" He says between breaths.''Because we're gonna die when we're late for class." You scream out and open your arms. He looks back at you and begins laughing himself. You both run down the streets laughing like mad-men, it felt as if you were both just normal teenage kids. And the lingering sadness that lingered before quickly disappeared. Right now, in this moment, you were just stupid kids that could take on the world.

(word count: 1538)

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