Chapter 6: New Friends

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I added a picture of the class in case you forgot their names because I only remember, like, half of them.


It had been a week since you and Bakugo got into the fight and neither of you had spoken a word to each other. You walked with Izuku and Uraraka to school in the mornings too now. Todoroki only joined the morning walk once, but he would walk with you in the afternoon everyday.

"Good morning Todoroki." You say placing your bag beside your chair. He just nodded and continued reading his book. You sneak a glance at the cover of the book and let out a quiet laugh. "Huh?" He turns to you. You put your elbows on your table."Romeo and Juliet, I never saw you as the type to read that but okay." You mocked his voice as you restated what he had said during the first lunch you two had together. He deadpanned and closed the book.

"I'm only reading this version because you said it was interesting." He rolled his eyes. You give him a small smile and pull out your copy of Romeo and Juliet. You thought that it was nice that he was trying to read something you enjoyed. Just as the moment of happiness happened it was ended by Bakugo walking up to your desk.

You looked up at him and then looked back down at your book. You told yourself that you didn't need him, but you did actually miss him. "y/n," He looked down at the ground. "I'm..I'm.. I'm thirsty." You look up at him again and roll your eyes. You pulled a water bottle from your bag and threw it at him."Thanks." He walked back to his desk. You turn over to Todoroki to see that he's already facing you.

"That's it?" He said, annoyance in his voice. "After all that he said he couldn't even say sorry but he asked you for water? Why'd you even bring him water anyways?" He rubbed the bridge of his nose. You shrug." 1. He's a stubborn little shit and 2. I didn't bring him anything, that was mine." This causes Todoroki to let out a long sigh, he tried to say something but Uraraka came up to you.

"Hi y/n! I was just going to ask if you'd like to join Deku and I at lunch. We're sitting with a bunch of other people that want to talk to you." She says with a big smile on her face. Uraraka and you had gotten a little closer since what had happened. She never asked about your mom which you appreciated, but she did always ask for you to sit with her although you would decline so you could sit with Todoroki."Uh.." you hesitated, you did decline her all week so why not sit with her this one day?"Sure, but is it okay if Todoroki joins us?" You turn to him and see him staring at you with a firm expression.

"Sure! The more the merrier!" And with that she walked back to her desk and began talking to Ida. "Why do I have to come? They want to talk to you, not me." Todoroki furrowed his eyebrows."Well, I don't want my friend to sit alone." You replied. He flinched a bit at what you said but you shrugged it off.


Lunch time had come around and Uraraka had come up to you and Todoroki. "Are you guys ready?" She said cheerfully. Todoroki grabbed his bag and stood up."No. Not really." Uraraka just stood there for a minute but then linked her arm with yours and began walking. Todoroki tried walking away but you grabbed his tie and dragged him with you.

When you guys got to your table you recognized Ida, Kaminari, Kirishima, Mineta and of course Izuku. However you didn't know a girl with pink skin or a girl with green hair. Uraraka waved over to the table and they all waved back, their eyes widening when they saw you and Todoroki with her. You tried to sit by Izuku but Uraraka pushed you between Kaminari and the girl with pink skin. At the table there was also Kirishima and Mineta. Todoroki ended up sitting at the table beside you with Uraraka, Izuku and Ida.

"Hi y/n! I'm Ashido, but you can call me Mina if you'd like!" The pink skinned girl said pointing her thumb at herself. You gave her a small smile and grabbed out your bento. Last night you had prepared mini onigiri that you were hoping to share with Todoroki , but your plans changed when you decided to sit with Uraraka's friends.

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