Chapter 14: Sleepover pt.3

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Bakugo's pov

I jolt up as someone shakes my shoulders. "BAKUGO WAKE UP, WE CAN'T FIND Y/N ANYWHERE!" I shove his hands off of me and rub my eyes."What do you mean you lost her? Just find her, I'm going back to sleep." I mumble as I lay back down until someone hits me with a pillow."I SAID TO JUST GO FIND HER YOURSELF, I'M FUCKING TIRED."

"Kacchan, it's been an hour since I woke up and found her gone. I tried looking around the neighborhood with Uraraka but I couldn't find her anywhere." Deku says, trembling as he shook my arms around." I DON'T CARE. LET. ME. SLEEP." I throw a pillow over my face, shielding my eyes from the lights in the living room."Isn't she your best friend? If I were you I would be worried sick! She's missing at three in the morning with a hot guy." Momo says as she throws the pillow off my face.

"What do you mean 'with a hot guy'? Didn't Kirishima say that she was the only one gone? And no, I'm not her friend." I throw the blanket off me and stand up to look around the room."Nope. Todoroki isn't here either, and both of their shoes are missing too." Jirou says as she sits down on the couch by Kaminari and Mina. "Wait, she's with that Icy-Hot bastard?! Why are you guys just sitting around? Go fucking look for her!" I shout as I grab my sweater and throw it on."Woah there Bakugo, I thought you weren't her friend? Are you jealous now that Todoroki's in the picture now perhaps?" Mina wiggles her eyebrows. I scoff and grab my phone."As if, there's nothing to be jealous of."

I turn to walk to the door just as it opens. Todoroki walks in, carrying something on his back."Why are you all awake? You should be sleeping now." He says as he kicks his shoes off, he starts walking to the futon y/n was on as Kaminari speaks."Us? Why are you awake, and where were you? Where's y/n?" Todoroki slowly bends down and places the thing he was carrying on the futon. It was y/n. "What the hell did you do to her?!" I yell as I shove him away from y/n's futon.

"Why does it matter?" He gets up off the floor and takes y/n's shoes off and places them by her bag. "It matters because I'm her friend, and I don't feel comfortable with her sneaking away at three in the morning with a boy that barely knows her." I cross my arms and walk over to him."Bakugo, calm down. She's fine." Kirishima puts his hand on my shoulder but I brush it away. Todoroki looks at me in the eyes and sighs."I don't think that you have the right to call her your friend after the way you treated her."I grab him by his collar and raise my hand to his face, he just standing there, unfazed."What did you just say? I've known her since we were kids, who are you to say anything!" He just stays still and looks down at y/n. "ANSWER ME YOU BASTA-"

"That's enough, Bakugo!" I fall back on the floor as someone pulls me away from Todoroki, I look up and see Mina standing over me. She grabs me by my ear and pulls me up."y/n is fine! Todoroki wouldn't do anything to her because he's her friend!" She lets go of my ear and puts her hands on her hips."Why do you care so much? You just said that she wasn't your friend, you didn't even bother trying to look for her in the first place! So why are you calling her your friend now? Are you jealous that Todoroki and y/n are getting closer? That she's making new friends? You should be happy for her! Not pulling shit like this!"

Kirishima and Kaminari pov

oh shit.

Momo and Jirou pov

oh shit.

Uraraka and Izuku pov

holy shit.

Todoroki's pov

oh shit.

Bakugo's pov

I stood there in shock as Mina yelled at me, she never usually got this mad at anyone before from what I've seen. I actually don't really give a fuck about y/n making friends, if she made more friends maybe she wouldn't be around me so god damned much."I don't care! I just think that it's a little sketchy that y/n was leaving the house at THREE IN THE FUCKING MORNING, with a guy that doesn't even FUCKING KNOW HER," I yelled, it should've woken y/n up but I guess she slept through it."I know her just as much as you do, Bakugo." Todoroki said in his usual annoying ass monotone voice."Really? You think you do? Well then, what's her favorite color? Favorite food? Shoe size? Favorite winter drink? Favorite summer drink?" I walk closer to him, again, and look at him straight in the eyes."The hell? Why would I-"

"(f/c), that's her favorite color. She doesn't have a favorite food because she loves them all so much. She claims that her shoe size is 6 when it's really 7. She likes hot tea during winter and iced tea during summer."

y/n's pov

My eyes widened at what Bakugo just said, it was all true. Todoroki just stood there in shock, not knowing what to say."Don't say that you know just as well as me, you don't. You never will. Y/n doesn't open up easily and I doubt that she'll open up to you of all people." My eyes grow wider. I try not to move, to stay still until they're done talking so I can listen."Why do you care so much? Didn't Mina just say you weren't her friend anyways? If that's true, then why do you care? I'm y/n's friend and

"BECAUSE I LOVE HER, YOU BASTARD. I'VE LOVED HER THIS WHOLE TIME." Bakugo yelled. I gasp as he yells at Todoroki, my eyes grew even bigger than they had been before. What was he saying? Why did he say it? Did he mean it? "If you love her so much why did you leave her?! She needed you and you just left her to deal with her feelings by herself." I hear Bakugo growl at Todoroki's words. "I didn't 'leave her' we just got in a stupid fight, thats all."

"That's not what she said." I turned my head to see Todoroki looking down at Bakugo, his usually sparkling blue and gray eyes now had something different in them. They were cold and angry. I slowly sit up and rub my eyes."Hey, what's going on? Why are you guys yelling?" I fake a yawn and stretch my arms."Nothing. I'm done with this shit." Bakugo walks to the front door, puts on his shoes, and walks out the house ,slamming the door on his way out. I look over at Todoroki to see him looking at the door, a scowl on his face.

"You heard him, didn't you y/n?" I turn and see everyone else looking at me. I nod my head and look down. I always thought that Bakugo looked at me as his friend, but I guess I was wrong. I get up and try to walk to the door but Mina puts an arm out in front of me."I think we should just leave him alone for now, he probably needs some time to process what he said," Mina says softly,"Let's just go back to bed, 'kay?" I hesitate a little but eventually give in and lay back down on my futon.


Bakugo ended up not coming back to the house to sleep. When we all woke up all his stuff was gone so we just assumed he just left after the fight with Todoroki.

After Todoroki walked me home I walked into the house, my dad was sitting on the couch just looking into thin air."Everything alright?" I say as I slip my shoes off and place them neatly by the door."y/n please sit down, we have a few things to discuss." He looked up at me and gestured to me to sit in front of him on the black loveseat across from the lack couch he sat on, I sat down and crossed my legs.

"So...what's up?" I ask casually as he knits his eyebrows together and looks down at his shoes."Look, y/n. I understand that you're very happy at U.A and that you've worked very hard to get into such a great school," he begins I give him a small nod and let him continue,"and I'm beyond happy that you're making new friends." He paused for a second and held the bridge of his nose."This may not be easy to take in, and I don't expect you to be happy with this, but I would like you to transfer to a new school."

My heart skips a beat."What do you mean? I worked so hard to get in and now you want me to just leave?! Now way!" I protest but he just sighs and looks up at me."I know, I know. I just don't feel like you're safe here, at U.A. You got offers at other great schools, like Ketsubustu Academy or Shiketsu!" Dad puts his hands in his lap and looks up at me again.''Are you kidding me? There's no way I'm going to Shiketsu! They're U.As rival school! I'm not leaving, I worked too hard." I tried to get up but dad slammed his fist on the coffee table in front of him.

"You think I don't know that? All you do is study and train! I know you want to go to U.A but there are other schools that can help you become a hero!" I stare at him in shock as he shouts at me."I wont lose you too, y/n!" His eyes begin to water as he looks down at the ground."At least think about other schools. I'll let you go to the sports festival but after that you're going." A tear falls down on his dress pants. I couldn't move, all I could do was watch him and stand there.

"No." he looks up at me and raises his eyebrows."Dad, I can protect myself. I have friends to protect now too. I can't leave them." He sighs and shakes his head."y/n, I know, but I'm your parent and I need you to be safe. You're going."

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