- Comic Con Panel Part 2

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"Oh my gosh, you're adorable," Kelly said as she looked at her Vixen costume. "Hi. What's your name and what's your question."

"Hi, um, I'm Angelica. I go by Angelly. I just wanted to say that I love the show, which is why I'm shaking pretty badly right now, but my question is for the whole cast. What is the weirdest/strangest fan interaction you've ever had?"

"A fan Venmoed me a hundred dollars on my birthday," Camila said.

"That's amazing," Luke told her.

"And I cashed it," she admitted, making them laugh.

"Anybody else?" Kelly asked.

"I had a girl throw a frog at me," Cole spoke up. "Which was really strange."

"Outside of Petco?" Lili tried to remember.

"Outside of Petco," he nodded.

"What were you doing outside of a Petco?" Lili asked.

"Just going to look at hamsters." They all laughed. "Yeah, she had this little green tree frog and I was like, 'Hey, what's in the bag, small girl?' and she was like, 'A frog,' and she took it out and threw it at me." He hit his chest where it landed.

"It splattered on your chest?" Casey asked.

"It just exploded on my pecs," he joked. "No, it, uh- Yeah, and then I gave the frog back and that was that. That was the end of it."

"That's an amazing fan encounter. That frog will never be the same," she said, making everyone laugh. "Hi, what's your name and what's your question?"

"Hi, my name is Kylie and my question is, what is the craziest or funniest thing that happened backstage? Like any pranks on each other?"

"Take it away, Luke."

"I did- We, you know... The Serpents and all that and Hermione tried to scare me with the snake in the dinner and we were doing the scene-"

"Wait, I didn't try to scare you," Marisol cut him off. "You did that, remember. You threw the snake at me."

"Yeah, that was the point. We were doing the scene and we had a real snake and I kept saying, 'Keep that snake away from me. I don't like them.' And I really don't like them and Marisol kept teasing me, 'Oh, it's a snake. It's only a snake.'"

She shook her head. "No, no, no, no, no," she refused as everyone laughed at the two. "It was the exact opposite."

"I took the fake snake and put it in my jacket and when we were doing the scene, I took the rubber snake out and then we saw who was really afraid. It was funny. It was good."

"Um, hi. What's your name and what's your question."

"Hello, everyone."

"Hi," they all said.

"Hi," he waved. "My question is do you have any advice for high school students?"

"Oh, we don't do school work," Cole said.

"Register to vote. Register to vote," Luke said, making everyone clap and cheer.

"Hi, what's your name and what's your question? You're gonna read it off your phone? This is gonna be a deep question. Hi. Go ahead,"

"So, um, Cheryl changed so much from season one to season two and so much has happened. So, what do you guys think contributed to that the most?"

"Um, I feel, like, one hundred percent, the reason why she changed is she finally got to come out which was very huge for her." The crowd cheered. "It was pushed down by the person who was supposed to love her the most. Her mother didn't love this huge part of herself. She created this facade to be this mean girl in season one that you see. And then towards the end of season one, the gang starts opening up to her and she realizes she's got this core group. Season two," she glanced at Vanessa, "a new girl comes around. Cheryl's obsessed with her. She's scared to come out because the person she came out to first pushed it down and told her that it was deviant and that she can't be that way and so, that's kind of why she's blossomed," they all chuckled, "um, into who she is now. She's living her truth now, so that's where she's changed the most." The crowd cheered loudly.

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