- Charles and Jordan Play with Puppies While Answering Fan Questions

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"Hey, I'm Charles Melton."

"And I'm Jordan Cameron."

"We're here at BuzzFeed and we're here to play with some puppies and answer some questions. Oh!" he let out as they started to carry the puppies in and Jordan's mouth fell open with a happy look. They put them down, four puppies coming over and three climbing in Charles' lap, the other going to Jordan. "They like me more," he looked at Jordan.

"Well this one likes me more," she quipped back.

"But I have more," he said before some left him and went over to her before they all rushed around, licking and playing with them both.

"Charles, how are you feeling?" one of the crew members asked as they snuggled up to him.

"I'm feeling so good."

"Oh, I forgot about the questions," Jordan said as they brought over a bucket of paper strips. "The puppies distracted me."

"'Are you more like Daniel from The Sun is Also a Star or Reggie from Riverdale?' I'm more like Daniel from The Sun is Also a Star. He's a hopeless romantic, but you know, Reggie's got a sensitive side to him, but more like Daniel, I'd say. Come on," he patted his chest, trying to get one of the dogs to jump on him. "Come on." The dog just looked at him and Jordan laughed.

"'Can you share anything from the Met Gala last night?'" Jordan read. "'Who were you most excited to see and hang out with?'"

"Yeah, Cher performed last night. I literally ate three servings of mashed potatoes and the next thing I know, Cher's on stage singing and dancing and... What? Right, yeah. She's incredible."

"That was really cool'," Jordan nodded as she rubbed her puppy's stomach. "I also got to meet Awkwafina which was amazing and her dress was incredible."

"And you designed the dress you wore, right?" Charles looked at her.

"Yeah," she nodded. "I've always been really into fashion and I've been making my own clothes and stuff since I was... probably five or so."

"'What's your favorite behind the scenes memory from filming Riverdale?'" Charles read. "This was from season two. Cole and I, we were filming a fight scene in the student lounge. We were getting pretty into it, it was this fight scene. Cole kneed me in the nuts," he admitted as Jordan started laughing and he did too, "but we kept going. But in the middle of it, I was just like, 'Ah!' but we kept on going and then in the next take I accidentally kneed him in the nuts." They kept laughing. "And we were like, tussling around, committed to the scene. Come here, buddy," he pulled another puppy into his lap.

"Mine was probably my weekly game nights with Luke," Jordan smiled sadly. "Bittersweet, but they're my favorite."

"That's a good one."

"Plus I won almost every time."

"Even better," he shrugged as he grabbed the next question, reading as the puppy in her lap licked her face.

"'What's your go to karaoke song?' Mine is probably American Boy by Estelle. It's fun and upbeat."

"Easy, Halo by Beyonce. Halo by Beyonce." He started singing and Jordan joined in as they played with puppies, one of them licking Charles on the face while the one who had stayed in Jordan's lap the entire time fell asleep on her leg.

"Be quiet," she shushed him. "He's asleep."

"Aww," Charles cooed. "We'll do this one quietly," he whispered. "'Which actor would you love to have guest star on Riverdale?'"

"Ooh. That's hard."

"Andrew Garfield," he said quickly. "Andrew Garfield. I heard he loves the show."

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