- Season One Blooper Reel

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They stood waiting for the scene to reset, shooting the birthday party surprise.

Cole did a weird and awkward laugh over and over again, KJ and Jordan losing it.

"What are you doing?" she managed to get out between laughs.

"I'm offended." He placed a hand over his chest, turning away, making KJ and Jordan crack up even more.


Nathalie sat on the couch as they filmed the baby shower. "Alice, why with she-" She sighed, closing her eyes before starting over as Cole and Jordan let out small and quiet snorts, glancing at each other.


"Come here, Floof," Cole said as he pet the dog who played Vegas. "Go method, doggy." He then ran over to Jordan who stood by the door of the garage set, licking her hands. "That's not what I meant," he called, trying to get the dog to come back to him.

"He just loves me more," she teased, scratching his ears.

"Damn dog whisperer," he muttered, making her laugh.


They waited for them to start rolling as they stood in the woods for the scene to search for Polly.

"I hate mosquitoes!" Jordan yelled as she tried to kill another one that bit her face.

"Who doesn't?" Ashleigh asked, trying to shoo them away.


They all watched as Cole went to blow out the candles on the cake, but only some of them went out.

"Oh," he let out and they laughed as he made a sad face at the camera.

"Disappoint," Lili laughed.


"Why do Aminity and Septimus have to be so cuddly?" Jordan cursed, making Colin laugh as she had to lay on his lap, her feet curled behind her on the small couch.




KJ stood up from the booth at Pop's, trying to pull on his letterman jacket, but only one arm made it in.

"Are you coming or not, man?" he asked, looking at Cole, trying to continue the scene, but the rest of the cast and crew burst out laughing.

"Maybe you should ask your jacket that," Jordan laughed.


Cole and Jordan danced around like idiots to no music, Skeet just shaking his head at them.

"Oh, come on. You know it looks like fun," Jordan said and he sighed before joining in and jumping around, causing the crew to laugh. 

So this was a requested from @GraceRiebold. I hope this is what you wanted! Sorry it took me so long. Let me know if you want me to add or change anything before I do season two and three reels. Stay safe!

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