- Season 2 Blooper Reel

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Jordan and Cole sat on the couch as they ran the scene, the cameras recording.

"I did some research after I interviewed Toni's grandfather. General Pickens was hired by Barnabas B. Blossom to remove the Uktana- Ukina- Uktiana." Jordan burst out laughing as he shook his head.

"Uktena," she told him.



"Ugh!" he groaned and leaned back into the couch while the whole set laughed. "I hate this word!"


They sat in the booth at Pop's in their dress clothes from the funeral scene.

"I have a theory," Cole said as he straightened his tie. "What's the theory?" Kj started laughing first, the other four quickly following.


"This is a protest I can get behind," Jordan said as she chained the rest of the Serpent actors up, covering when she dropped one of the hooks. Drew covered his laugh by turning around which caused the chains to rattle.

"We're kind of on a time table," Cole said very choppily before the director called cut and they all started laughing. "That was the worst take I've ever done in my life."


"Too bad. I got a dozen burgers," Skeet held up the bag from Pop's. "Guess they're all yours now," he tossed it to Cole who sighed. "Come on, boy. It's just you, me, and your sister. We're not gonna tell anyone you broke your hunger strike." Skeet sat down next to Cole as Cole reached inside the bag and started to unwrap a burger. "That one's mine." Cole put the wrapped burger back in the bag causing Jordan to almost choke on her burger as she tried to not spit it out while laughing.


"Hey," Colin greeted as he opened the door to the set of his house.

"Hello," Jordan smiled, leaning in to give him a kiss, but Colin forgot the blocking and turned away, making their heads bump. "Ow!" she held her head.

"Shit! Sorry! I totally forgot," he apologized, rubbing his head too.


Cole bobbed his head to the imaginary music playing in his headphones as Jordan paged through her book.

"And I was like," he started and Jordan immediately joined in, both screaming at the top of their lungs trying to ruin the song.

"Baby, baby, baby, oh! Like baby, baby, baby, no!"


KJ rode up on the bike, skidding to a stop in front of the chained Serpent actors.

"Well, well, calvary's here," Cole recited before they all started laughing as KJ got stuck on the bike, taking it with him as he walked. "And the skid was so good."

"So close," Jordan Cameron clapped.


Conner and Drew play fought as they stood outside of the Southside High set. Fists flew and they managed to dodge each other. Cameron jumped on top of Conner's back, his hands immediately coming to catch her and make sure she didn't fall, giving Drew time to attack and gently punch  Conner's face.

"You teamed up with him?" Conner demanded as she laughed. "What happened to Jordans sticking together?" "But Drew's my favorite," she teased as she got down before taking off running as he chased her.

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. School and life has been kind of crazy, but I'm going to try to wrote more. It is coming up on exam season, so it may not be too often, but I'll try. This was requested by  GraceRiebold. Hope you liked it! Let me know if there's something else you want to see!

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