- Riverdale Cast on Dream Bughead Proposal, Choni, Season 3, and More

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"Alright, we're here in TV Line's Comic Con sweet with the cast of Riverdale. Welcome everybody," Andy said and they all greeted him. "We're looking at, like, three iconic romantic pairings and-"

"And then me," Casey shrugged. "And Jordan."

"And then Kevin and Aminity." They all chuckled. "Also with you because I'm still, like, loving the Kevin and Moose kiss from the finale. I thought it was a really nice way to like, you know, some nice moments can come out of really bad moments."

"Yeah, true. Thank you for saying that. I agree. We are dating in episode- or season three," he corrected himself. "So it's fun to kind of start off with that and kind of explore that with Moose. It'll be fun. The actor who plays Moose is the best dude, such a great guy, so I love working with him."

"At the very least, I feel like you deserve to kiss outside of, like, a bathroom or, like, the river."

"I had my first kissing scene of the season recently and it was in the hallway, so..."

"Yay!" they cheered.

"It's at school."

"Out in the open, I like that," Andy said.

"He pushes me off because he's still closeted, but it's still a kiss," Casey continued.

"We're getting there. We're getting there," Lili smiled.

"It's a complicated relationship."

"Baby steps," Madelaine and Vanessa said.

"I mean Riverdale really excels in complicated relationships."

"They do," Casey told him. "Well I don't think there's any non complicated relationships."

"Including this one right here. A little thing called Bughead," he pointed to Lili who sat on the couch, Cole on a stool behind her.


"I mean we're looking here at the Serpent King and Queen, the new ones. How was filming that scene? I feel like that- Once Riverdale's over and we look back at the years of Riverdale, I feel like that, sort of, pseudo proposal is gonna be like an iconic moment for the two of them."

"I think depending on how season three plays out and how her being a Serpent Queen works out. We're still figuring that out. I don't know. We've only shot an episode and we've only read two, so... I don't know," she answered.

"I think the fans took it as a sort of proposal. What do you think the dream Bughead proposal would be? How would Betty want to be proposed to? She's a romantic."

"Yeah, but I think Jughead would do something thoughtful for her. I feel like he'd write her something."

"Take out the ring and throw it," Cole joked.

"Onto her finger," Skeet added.

"That would be impressive," Jordan laughed.

"Maybe he would write an essay and narrate it," Lili laughed. "I don't know. Something very romantic. I think they're very romantic."

"Take her fishing."

"Maybe," she said a moment after Skeet's idea.

"I'm just eating a can of beans. 'Hey, you want to get married?'"

"Propose over a can of beans," Lili shook her head at Cole.

"We're just pushing teenagers to get married here," Andy realized.

"The ring was in the beans," Lil continued the conversation.

"Baked!" Kevin clarified.

"Of course, we do have the OG Serpent King and Queen up there."

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