- Season 3 Trailer

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Jughead - "Strange, dark times..."


Archie ran out of the woods, stopping as he heard a gunshot.


Jughead - "Have fallen upon us."


They rode in the jalopy, Archie and Veronica sat in the front with Betty, Jughead, and Aminity in the back. They were laughing and smiling as the wind rushed through their hair, seeming to blow away every other thought.


Veronica rested her head on Archie's shoulder as they stared into the fire.


Weatherbee - "You have powerful enemies, Archie."


Hiram nodded at the warden.


Betty - "You don't deserve this, Arch. Any of it."


An officer came and put Archie in handcuffs, leading him out of the courtroom as everyone stared.


"We'll get him home, Mary," Fred assured her. "One way or another."


Veronica fingered her heart shaped locket where Archie's picture rested inside.


"You think I did all this to hurt Archie, mija?" Hiram asked his daughter. "This is your punishment."

She got close to his face. "You don't have a daughter anymore."


"Betty," Alice smiled as her daughter walked into the house to see the group of women gathered in the living room. "Please, join us."


Ethel hugged Evelyn in the halls.


Alice - "Everything that we talk about at the Farm is kept in confidence."


Betty - "Are you out of your mind?"


Betty watched from the back porch as the twins were raised above the fire. Betty suddenly started shaking before she fell to the ground.


Jughead - "Something weird is going on here."


"It's Riverdale," Aminity said, looking at her brother. "I wouldn't be surprised."


"I spread your Gospel," Ethel smiled as she kneeled on her hospital bed before bowing. "Soon they'll join us."


Aminity stepped towards Malachai, challenging him. He went to go towards her before an arrow lodged in his shoulder, making him yell and stumble back.

Lucky Girl (Riverdale Cast x Cast Member OC)Where stories live. Discover now