Practice in the ocean

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After a few days, the team's disagreements were completely resolved. They discussed the difficult points of their lives, opened up to each other. Today is also beautiful. Audrey and Elvis are on a day off, so they decided to go to the Newtown Zoo. The girl wants to visit the giraffe who was wandering in Pontypandy.

Sam, Penny, Ellie and Arnold are preparing at the station as they are doing water practice today. Only Penny, Elvis, and Sam trained to rescue Ben. Although Audrey was on the water even she couldn't drive the vehicles as she, Elli and Anrold didn't have the qualifications to do so yet. Although they know a lot about water rescue, proper permission is required. If all goes well, they will soon be able to get it too.

-"Can we lead Neptune?"- Arnold asks excitedly.

-"We'll see Arnold!"- Sam smiles and puts his hands on his hips.

-"Can we extinguish with Titan?"- Ellie asks the next question.

-"We'll see Ellie!"- Sam laughs as the two younger firefighters frown and look questioningly at their leading firefighter.

-"Stop it, Sam, what are you having fun with, poor people?"- Penny chuckles.

-"Oooh, don't worry, Penny, you're going to smear today!"- he puts his hand on her shoulder.

-"What do you mean?"- the blonde firefighter stops laughing.

-"You'll see Penny!" -Sam winks.

Arriving at the Ocean Rescue Center, the team gathers in the kitchen.

- "Okay, first Arnold, Ellie and Ben! You're going to extinguish Titan."

-"And me, Sam?"- Penny puts her hand on her hip.

- "You Penn, you're going to drive Juno!"

-"Seriously? But I can't drive yet!"- she pales.

-"I'll teach you. Don't worry!" - he smiles at Penny and then turns to the others. - "Then team up! Dress up and get going!"- Everyone quickly picks up their orange life jacket and goes to the allotted vehicle. Arnold, Ellie and Ben are already at sea. They start the practice.

-"Sam, I ... I'm not sure about that..."- Penny stands beside Juno, looking straight at the vehicle.

-"Everything will be fine."

"Do you really have to? I'm scared!" - she's still afraid of water. Before the race is also very worrying. But Sam was there for him. He encouraged her, he said, there would be nothing wrong. Penny calmly calmed down. The man can calm him down, his voice always gives her security.

-"If you don't want to, no. But I promised I'd always be here for you, and that's no exception. I understand, if you don't, I'm not going to force it ....." - Sam whispers to her.

-"I'm going!"- Penny's brown eyes widen. Strange glitter! The fight! Trust Sam!


-"Yeah, if there's nothing wrong here!"- Penny smiles and steps closer to Juno. Sam just smiles even more and follows him.

-"Okay Pen. Sit up!"- Sam nods.

-"Good, and then you have to turn it on, don't you?" Penny asks after sitting up. Meanwhile, she points to one of the buttons on the left.

-"Yes. Then when you start, you press that button, it will start the engine, then you can go forward by pulling the throttle."

-"I got it, Sam. Can we go?"

Fireman Sam: The firefighter competitionWhere stories live. Discover now