Before exam

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Today is Sam's oral and written exam to see if he qualifies as a commander. You have to travel to Cardiff. There he will have his exam at the Fire Academy. It's very exciting, because it matters a lot. Importantly, he doesn't want to disappoint either Boyce or Steele ... or the team. He decides to look into the fire station before that. He wants to see Penny, he gives him reassurance. As he enters the door he walks softly towards the garage. All vehicles are parked. He looks at Penny first and gestures to her cheerfully.

-"Hi Sam? You? You don't have a duty off?"- Penny greets her colleague with a smile. You don't understand what you're doing here.

-"Hi! Yeah but... I just came to see if you could do without me!"-  he says, then stands beside her and crosses his arms. Penny rolls her eyes just smiling.

-"Honestly, Sam? Pontypandy may not survive this day."- she nodded toward the team. Station Officer Steele stumbles upon a pile of paper, some of which falls to the floor. Arnold carries dozens of books after the Station officer. They're probably going to the office. Ellie takes 3 fire extinguishers to Jupiter as Elvis rushes around him as the animal rescue helmet is upside down and so he can't see because the part that is usually on their necks just covers his eyes. Audrey tries to help him, but with little success. As Elvis runs around the team, a coincidence goes to Ellie, who drops the fire extinguishers and they roll toward Station Officer Steele. The commander falls in it and the papers scatter. Then Arnold, who can't see out from behind the books, slips on one of the pages and he also ends up on the floor. Elvis continues to run and desperately tries to take it off his head in his helmet, but fails because he needs it. Audrey quickly grabs the helmet and starts pulling it toward her. After a little try, it is succeeds, but they both fall behind.

-"Oooo!" Sam says worriedly. Penny just grabs her forehead before the man glances at him before he picks up his phone. - "Smile!"- he jokes and turns his back on the others. He holds up his phone high and makes a selfie with each of them clearly visible.

-"Sam!"- Audrey said a little angrily.

-"Sorry, I had to do this!"- he laughs. Then suddenly Radar appears and runs towards the two leading firefighters. Frightened, Sam holds his hand in front of him and slowly nudges Penny to watch. She notices and keeps her hands in front of her.

-"Don't Radar!"-  Sam and Penny shout, but it's too late. The Dalmatian jumps on them and they both backfire. So really the whole team is on the ground.

-"That's better!"- Audrey says with a smug smile.

Sam and Penny turn around and now lie on their bellies.


-"Thanks ....!"- they laugh.

-"It's going to be perfect for a Christmas card!"-  Audrey has fun. While slowly reviewing. The others have already stood up and gathered their belongings, only Penny, Sam and Audrey are on the floor. Then Radar suddenly runs towards the young girl and rolls her back. The dog runs on and jumps to Elvis who, falling backwards, falls into the blue lockers and ends up next to the girl. From the top of the closet, a cardboard box falls over and the socks fall out of it. They land spread out on the ground, some on the heads of Elvis and Audrey.

-"It'll be better for a Christmas card!"- Sam laughs and takes a photo with his phone.

-"Awww, what are these many socks?"- whispers the green-eyed girl.

-"Uhm .... these are mine ...."- Elvis says, confused.

-"Why is that so much?" - she asks.

-"Sock puppet." -Penny says with a smile. In the meantime, the two leading firefighters had already stood up.

-"Do you still want to sit on the floor or would you rather stand up?"- Sam asks, extending both hands to his younger colleagues. They quickly notice and grab the hand of the red-haired man who gently pulls them up.

-"Thanks Sam!"- they say at once and quickly pick up their socks. -"Then ... hi!"- Elvis and Audrey run out of the garage. Only Sam and Penny mardt inside. There is silence, you can hear the team talking upstairs.

-"So ... I just wanted to say I'm in Cardiff today."- Sam breaks the silence.

-"How? Is something wrong with your parents?" -she asks anxiously. Sam took him with her many times when he visited them. She loves them very much, and vice versa. She has been spending Christmas with Sam and his family for a few years now. Of course, the man also knows Penny's family and he loves them very much. It's a wonderful feeling to have people we can count on who encourage us. Family is important in people's lives. It largely determines a person's personality. Love holds them together, they trust each other. Most people want a family of their own. Neither Sam nor Penny is an exception, though they don't know about each other.

-"Don't worry!"-he smiles and puts his hands on their arms. -"I'm going to the academy."

-"Why?"- Penny is surprised.

- "Ooo just a quick exam."

-"What? Why?"

-"Just to make sure I'm ... a good firefighter ... because of ... what happened."- Sam explains. After all, he's telling the truth. He will test his suitability for a commander. But Penny doesn't know that, and it hurts. He secretes his best friend in front of his love.

-"Don't worry Sam! You'll succeed! You can do anything!"- Penny encourages him and suddenly hugs her. He can't do everything. He can't confess his feelings. But Penny reassures her, he's not so scared anymore. It only makes sense to wish you could take it with him, wish he could kiss her, he wish she turn love him.

-"Thank you, Penny!"- Sam whispers and pulls him even closer. After a few minutes, they pull out of the embrace and grab Penny Sam's arm and walk into the blue closet. Open her part and take something out, then turn to Sam.

-"Here Sam! It brings good luck!"- hand him the stone on which a ladybug is painted.

-"Penny? Is that what I gave you when we met?" -Sam looks down at the woman, who cheers merrily. He gave this to Penny when it was a competition for their academy. Penny was very excited and Sam gave him the lucky stone. Although the race was a draw, they both performed very well.

- "Yes, I would never throw it away."

-"You're wonderful!" -he said, holding her hand.

-"Noooo, my socks!" Elvis stood up as they fell down the pillar into the garage. The man accidentally dropped them and now slides down the bar quickly.

-"Elvis! You left one here!"- Ellie shows, laughing at one of the pairs of socks upstairs.

-"Very funny!"- the black-haired man looks up, then quickly picks up his socks again and walks out of the garage.

-"Are you sure you're going to do without me?"- Sam asks with a mischievous smile.

-"We'll can see Sam, we'll can see."- Penny laughs.

Fireman Sam: The firefighter competitionWhere stories live. Discover now