The call for competition

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Half an hour later, Sam and Penny finish the report. Since only two are on duty today, they play the usual game. They draw objects and animals on sticky notes, which they put on their heads, and use questions to figure out what the sticky note is. Even at the old station, Boyce just came to do practice with them, but he liked the game and joined them. He guessed for hours, but didn't realize it anytime soon. Even then, an alarm came and Boyce marched with the firefighters. There was a fire in the Flood house. After extinguishing the fire, Boyce figured out what was on his note. A pair of pants.

 A pair of pants

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-"So .... has it got to do with the hooves of the horses?" -Penny asks thoughtfully.

-"Yes!" -Sam says.

- "Got it! Horseshoe!"-she laughs.

-"Yes, you're good! And it only took 8 questions. That's amazing!"- he praises.

- "Hi!" -Elvis enters the lounge. Behind him are Ellie and Arnold.

-"Hi, how are you here?" -Sam is surprised.

- "FStation Officer Steele called us."- Arnold says.

- "Do you know why?"- the blond-haired firefighter inquires.

"No."- Ellie shakes her head.

- "I think let's go to the office."- Sam stands up and sets off. The others follow. Meanwhile, Sam and Penny take the note off their heads. Going down the stairs, they hear Station Officer Steele talking to Chief Fire Officer Boyce. He looks at Sam's colleagues and knocks.

-"Free!"- he says. -" Aahh, here they are!"- boyce greets them. Firefighters salute. - "So now that they're here, let's get to the subject. I'm looking for you because in a few months there will be a race that you would love to see yourself in. A firefighting race! What you need to know is that there are 3 races on the ground. in the air and one on the water 3-3-2 dissolution of the team The commander will watch the race from the tower and direct his firefighters from there The race will be held in Newton I will give information later but now they have to decide to undertake. "

- "Sounds very interesting."- Station Officer Steele smiles. Firefighters look at each other and nod cheerfully.

- "Okay, I see they're in."- says dissatisfied Boyce. -"I knew I could count on you."

- "Sir! That would be a question." - the leading firefighter speaks.

- "Yes, Sam?"- asks the blond, gray-haired, brown-eyed commander.

-"The race requires 8 plus 1 racer. But if Station Officer Steele has to be in the control tower, we still need someone to race with us. Tom has to race the helicopter, Ben and the boat." - say he.

- "I know Sam. That's why I came up with something for this problem." -Boyce says proudly.

-"That's great news! And what would it be, sir?"- Penny rejoices.

-"Aaaa. I'll tell you later. In the meantime, I'll leave you here for a briefing and you can check it out on the Internet. I'll see firefighters soon!"- Boyce says goodbye. Ponypandy firefighters stand salute and raise their hands to their foreheads.

-"So. Here's the competition invitation . It's written ...... the competition will be held in Newtown. Yes-yes .... three races ....."- reads Sam.

-"We already knew that!" -Elvis laughs. Meanwhile, Arnold sits at the computer and searches for the competition on the Internet.

-"Yes. Arnold? What are they writing on the Internet?"-  Ellie asks and steps closer. Stelle stands next to Arnold and watches what she's doing from there. The brown-haired firefighter takes a sheet and a pen in this hand.

-"So, the official name of the competition is Firefighting Competition. It will be held on Netwon, for the first time. The water competition will be on the River Severn in the city. Be the first in the top three of all three races. They look at speed and the right solution to the races.

-"It's a lot more than the contest call!"-  she wrote it on the sheet.

-"Wooow!"- Arnold said.

-"What is it?"- Elvis asks curiously

-"There will be a free star test !!"- says the brown-haired firefighter happily.

-"I can't believe you were my classmate ...."- Ellie shakes her head.

-"And now I'm your co-worker!"- Arnold laughs.

-"All right. As long as you have fun, I'll let you see the page." - chuckles Penny. Arnold gets up in front of the computer and Penny sits in the chair.

-"Wooow!"- the blonde woman call out.

- "Please don't start either."- Sam says, looking at Penny funny.

- "Don't worry, I'm not starting either."- Penny smiles- After the race there will be a party.

-"It's really a wooow."- Elvis puts both hands on his face.

-"You know, life isn't boring with you!"- Station Officer Steele smiles.

-"Everyone!"- Penny exclaimed. -"It says here that if there aren't that many contestants, that team can't start the contest." -Penny is startled. Her face changed from cheerfulness to sadness. You don't understand .... just a competitor is missing .... one. Sam notices his colleague's gaze and heads for the blonde woman, then puts his hand on her shoulder.

-"Listen, Pen, Chief Fire Officer Boyce said he'll fix it and he's sure he'll. Come on, let's go and have some tea!" -he says softly. The whole team knows there's something Penny doesn't tell them and that's certainly why competition is important to her. The woman nods and then gets up and they walk out the door. Soon the others will follow them.

Fireman Sam: The firefighter competitionWhere stories live. Discover now