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-"Sam? What are we doing now?"- Elvis asks, looking around.

-"Ellie! Bring Radar here. Arnold then you and Ellie go with Jupiter. Elvis! Go with Tom to Walaby 2. Station Officer Steele stay at the station as a mediator! Audrey and I will take Radar!"- Sam instructs. Meanwhile, he keeps Penny's transceiver, hoping Radar can take enough odor samples from him

-"Roger that Sam!"- comes the reply and everyone goes to their assigned task.

-"Here's Radar!"- Ellie leads him on the leash in a few minutes.

-"Thanks Ellie!"- Sam turns.

-"Come on Radar!"- Sam calls. -"Smell it! Find Penny!"- Penny's transceiver smells.

-"Sam! I'll call Lori! Maybe she knows something!"- Audrey hopes.

-"All right!"- Sam says.

-"Heeeey ..... listen! We'll find her!"- Audrey smiles and places her hand on Sam's shoulder as an encouragement. The man nods.

-"Penny ... we're search you!"- he whispers.

Penny's eyes start to flutter slowly. She sees spots, everything is blurred. The things in front of her converge. She wants to get his hands on her head, but for some reason she fails. Then she realizes why: her two hands are tied together at the back to a column. Suddenly she saw a figure in front of him.

-"Where ... where am I?"- Penny stammer, then sees who is standing in front of her. - "Max!" - She find herself in a smaller wooden structure. They're right in the middle. Local time is completely empty, there is only a table in the left corner. The front door is opposite Penny.

-"Finally you're wake up!"- Penny ties her hands tighter Max. The blonde firefighter resists, but with little success. She kicks hier foot. She almost hit Max, but the man grabbed her hard.

-"What are you planning?"- Penny asks, frowning.

-"My dear, I moor nicely to this column and then an accidental fire breaks out. And you ..... get stuck inside!"- he concludes with an evil grin.

-"You can't do this!"- Penny said.

-"Yeah I can't because I already did!"- he turns his back. The woman notices the smoke in the corner. Max lit pieces of wood and it only took a few minutes for the fire to spread.

-"You're going to be punished for these!"- Penny says.

-"We'll can see that your Sam ......" -he stops at the door.

-".. Max! ..."- Penny interrupts. You can't believe it all. Her ex-best friend does this to her.

- "... saved you! I loved you Penny, but you didn't reciprocate! We would have had a fantastic life together! You sure dreamed of Sam even then !!! What's so good about it !!!? Firefighter like me ??? with the difference that he works in an insignificant small town and I am in Newtown !!! What is he the hero always !! ?? I am a hundred times better and even a thousand times !!! I'm settle you, then Sam follows !!! "- he finishes and steps out with an evil grin on his face.

-"Radar feels!"- the firefighters run after them along the forest. They reach the river. To the right of them is the mill.

-"Noo! That ...!- he wiped out the clues! He must have taken him somewhere on the river so Radar didn't smell it."- Sam rages.

-"Don't worry Sam! Don't worry! Let's think!"- Audrey reassures Samat.

Fireman Sam: The firefighter competitionWhere stories live. Discover now