Land practice

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-"Good morning team!"- get up the stairs station officer Steele.

-"Good morning, sir!- say the firefighters.

-"Then!" - Steele begins -"when they're done, get ready and go practice . We're looking forward to exciting months."- he smiles.

-"We understand, sir!" 

In half an hour, the team members say goodbye to each other and go to the scene of their own practice. For Ellie and Arnold, Tom Thomas comes in his car. However, the Mountain Rescue Center is only a short walk away. Yet he is only in the mountains.

Penny goes to the Ocean Rescue Center on foot. As he leaves the station, she remembers the time when she was small. She already knew what she wanted to be. For a long time, she did not dare to forget the work of his parents 'dreams. When anyone asked what he wanted to be, she replied- "cavewoman." It was one of her hobbies and still is. She loves to walk in caves. In high school, she told his parents she wanted to be a firefighter. They were a little surprised, but they supported their daughter. Then, after those memories, Sam remembers. Again. His blue eyes, his red hair ...... his kindness, his smile. Really best friends. They understand and support each other and know everything about each other .... that is, almost everything. Their love affair is not discussed. They both say there is no one in their lives, though there is.

-"And what are we doing, Sam?"- asks Audrey and looks at the red-haired man.

- "We'll go to the practice tower first ......"

-"Could we talk to Sam?"- Station Officer Steele interrupts them a little angrily.

-"Sure! Elvis help Audrey!" - he goes into the office after Steele. Audrey jumps next to Elvis and smiles at him.

-"Then? What should it be?"- she asks.

-"Let's go down!"-  Elvis says and they walk down the stairs.

-"One moment, you just go ......"- the blonde firefighter stops and pretends to go back until Elvis goes down the stairs. But he's actually heading for the office door. She know she shouldn't listen, but there might be something wrong. She hears station officer Steele speak sternly to Sam. Oooo oh, if they notice you're listening, she fly from the station. But if they told him what it was all about, she might be able to help. Audrey loves to help, supports everyone (of course only in good). She is eternally optimistic and eternally moving, which is why she became a firefighter. There is nothing impossible for her. If someone is sad, try to cheer her up. "Everything is possible if we believe in it!" she always says. Just look. She believed she would succeed in graduating from the academy, and she did. Her friends in high school didn't understand why a woman wanted to be a firefighter. Why is that? For what a man wants. -Help others, save others. This profession requires a lot of courage, firefighters have to be persistent. She cannot be afraid of confinement and they cannot have a spatial relationship. You must not give up, fight, believe and hope.

-"I'm here!"- she runs to the blue lockers.

-"Okay. Let's get the gear! And leave the hose to Sam."-  laughs Elvis.

-"All right! But let's be careful with the others!"- she begins to laugh. Audrey and Elvis go to the practice tower with the equipment and wait patiently for Samat.

Soon the driver firefighter will appear in the door of the external staircase.

-"We're ready, Sam!" - the black-haired man declares.

-"Great ....!"- Sam comes down with a slightly forced smile. -"Then let's install the hoses and we can start. I'll pick up Dolly! Audrey you fire from below and then you go out Dolly. Elvis you fire from above and I'll support Jupiter !!!". - Sam instructs.

- "I understand Sam!" - sounds the answer the firefighters put on their respirators.

-"The fire is on fire! Can we start?"- Sam asks. The others nod. Sam props Jupiter up, then Elvis enters the platform. Audrey stands at the entrance to the training tower with the hose in her hand. They start vaccinating. The training tower emits dense, dark smoke. The fire is also burning at the entrance to the tower, so the girl can't go up right away.

-"It's asleep!"- they stand up and Audrey rushes up the stairs to rescue the puppet. When he gets up he takes Dolly in her arms and looks at Elvis, who is a little further away in the platform.

-"Sam, can you bring the platform closer?"- she asks, and the red-haired firefighter directs her closer. The green-eyed young man crosses over to Elvis and Sam lowers them.

-"It's a solution too! You're good!"- Sam laughs.

-"Thank you! What's next?"- Audrey smiles and puts Dolly down.

-"We'll look at the different types of fires. And how to put them out."- Sam declares.

-"Are we done? Huh! Sam it's still a lot of fire! Each one reminds me of the academy!"-  Audrey is frightened after a thorough discussion after an hour, then smiles.

-"Yeah, a lot. Let's go relax and make some tea!"- Sam says as he enters the station. Audrey and Elvis behind him.

The alarm sounds!

Fireman Sam: The firefighter competitionWhere stories live. Discover now