Chapter 12.

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I smiled to myself. I was ontop of the burning building, watching Sephiroth torment Cloud. As the conversation ended with Cloud's outburst, Sephiroth disappeared smiling.

"Good Cloud, very good.. Hold on to the hatred." Echoed through out the hallway. With a hit of my finger, I made the fire disappear.

I walked on the other side of the roof to watch Cloud.

"You know he's going to keep moving"

I turned around & looked at Sephiroth who was walking towards me. He looked down as he watched Cloud move.through crowds of people, fight his way through Shinra military.

"Of course he is. He's working for money. But after seeing you, you jumped his mental state. Not like he's going to say anything about you though" he chuckled.

"You know you scare him more than I do."

I crossed my arms. I laughed at Sephiroth. He just looked me.

"& thats coming from a guy that is 6 foot 5, & carries a 7.2 foot masamune. Oooookay" I laughed.

"Well.. you're not scared of me.. but I can make you scared." Sephiroth looked at me & smirked. I bit my lip. He liked to play. He walked closer to me closing the gap between us. He grabbed my hip pulling me as close as he could. With the snap of his fingers, everything around us was up in flames.

"Sephiroth, you're playing." He chuckled.

"But I play harder." I did a 360 twist out of his grasp running to the edge of the roof. I turned back around to see him running after to me. I snapped my fingers & I became invisible.


I ran across every roof top to find Cloud again. I found him walking towards a turn that was aiming for the train station. I stared at him intensly & got into his head to read his thoughts.


Why is he here..●
●Where is Janelle?●
●They both died.. didn't they? Didn't he?●
●If he's here, then she has to be here... right?●
●maybe I'm seeing things.●

I smirked. I looked around him & saw a girl.. long pink dress, red cropped jean jacket, combat boots, with long brown hair tied up in a pink bow handing out flowers.. local florist.

"You should make your presence known"

"I don't like that girl"

"Who? Which one?"

"The girl in the pink dress.. Sephiroth, i have a bad feeling. Something about her. I don't like her." Sephiroth looked at me concerned & looked down at the woman. She was handing out flowers. Well trying to.

"I can't read her."

"I wonder if a simple hello would be helpful.." I smile as I pointed down at her, sending her a gift of fright.



I walked down the street of crowds. Still trying to shake what just happened earlier. Was that real? I didn't know.

As I manuevered around people I finally got around the crowds. I looked up from my feet & saw a girl freaking out. She looked like she was being attacked. But I didn't see anything. She was waving her arms &  screaming to get this thing away from her. She finally calmed down.

She turned around to look at me. But as she did, she froze. I looked at her funny. I looked at everyone around her & everyone was frozen. I looked back at her & see Janelle standing next to her. She smirked & walked towards me. I backed away slowly. I was scared. I didn't know what she was capable of. I was shaking & started to shutter.

"Oh Cloud. I see you haven't changed."

"How are you here?"

"I can ask the same question."

"Youre.. dead!"

"Oh.. I am? I haven't felt more alive." She laughed. I glared at her. Sephiroth stood behind her a ways back in the distance near the girl that.was attacked. I grabbed the handle of my sword. Janelle disappeared. I looked around. I felt electricity on my back & I fell to my knees.

Janelle appeared right in front me as Sephiroth put his sword to my neck. How did he get up to her so fast?

Janelle kept me paralyzed. I couldn't move. I was getting one of those migraines again. I was moaning in agony.

Janelle bent down to my level, inches away from my way.

"You're too weak to save anyone.. not even yourself" she smiled. Both her & Sephiroth disappeared.

I was taken out of the hold but the migraine pain still presists... why is this happening?!

"Hey.. are you okay?" Someone asked shaking me out of the pain. I looked up to see the girl was being attacked earlier. I started to walk away.

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Hey! Thank you for saving me from those things.." she said.

"Look. I'm involved in dangerous things. You saved yourself"

"I'm sure you are." She pulled out a yellow flower & handed it to me.

"A flower?"

"Yeah, for saving me!"

"How much?"

"For you? Its on the house" she put it on my shirt. I rolled my eyes. I know this girl is going to be annoying.
The girl screamed & dropped her basket of flowers. She started to freak out again. I looked around & saw what she did.

A ghost looking thing? What the hell?

I drew my sword. Shinra Military swormed in & circled around us.

"What are they?!" She asked.

"SHINRA MILITARY. PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPON" they called out to me.

"Are you blind?" I asked them. I rolled my eyes.

"You know what. You're right." The girl said. She ran off.

"He-hey! Wait!" I called out to her. She turned around & lightly smiled.

"It was nice meeting you!" She yelled & ran off. That thing ran after her.

I looked at the Shinra troops & sighed.

This is going to be a long night.

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