Chapter 14.

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"Heya.. so, what did you want to talk about?" Tifa asked as she sat down next to me on the windmill. I looked back up at the star struck sky.
"When Spring comes, I'm leaving town & going to Midgar." Tifa looked down & started to swing her feet as they dangled off the side.

"I see. All the guys are leaving." I looked over at her.

"B..but I'm not like them. I'm not just going to look for work. I'm gonna be a SOLDIER. The best of the best. Like Sephiroth." I beamed a smile at her. She nodded her head in agreement.

"The great war hero huh? Isn't it pretty hard to become a SOLDIER?"

"Yeah so I won't be back for a long time."

"Janelle is being mentored by Sephiroth isn't she?" I nodded.

"Shes becoming the best hero in the world. I want to be just like that." Tifa grabbed my hand & looked at me.

"Just.. promise me one thing. When we're older & you're a famous SOLDIER... if I'm ever trapped or in trouble.. Promise you'll come save me." I looked at her shocked. I didn't know what to really say.


"Thats what heroes do. They save people. Please? Just once." Tifa got close to my face, really wanting those promise.


"Come on! Promise me!" She pouted.

"Okay okay. I promise." I sighed


I woke up to someone banging on my door. I jumped up grabbing my sword as the door swung open. It was Tifa in a frantic state. I ran to her.


"Whats wrong?"

"Come with me! Quickly!" We both ran outside to see those Spirit Ghost looking things. Now they're not invisible & causing problems. The joy.

"We were getting ready to set out for the mission when those things showed up & came after us!" We ran down the stairs as I hit a few of them making them disappear. Tifa did the same.

"Where are the others?"

"They're holding their ground. But for how long? I don't know..."

"Lets go" Tifa & I ran towards the bar to find the guys being attacked by these spirit things. Tifa & I started to attack.

"What are these things?" Tifa asked after the spirits started to die down.

"No idea. Pretty sure you can't even see them unless they make physical contact first."

We looked up at the steps to the bar & see Jessie & Barrett shooting at them.

Hows your ammo?!" Barrett called out to Jessie.

"Running low! Ahh!" Jessie tripped over one of the spirits & falls down the stairs.

"JESSIE!" Tifa cries & we run to her. I carry her up to the bar sat her on the closest table. Ankle is shot.

"Sorry Jessie. You're out."

"What? Don't tell me you're calling off the mission!"

"We're not. Because I'll be going in your place." I said crossing my arms. Barrett looked at me.

"I'll need a raise."


"Raise hell for me!" Jessie smiled at me with a thumbs up. I nodded my head.

"Lets go."


I calmed down the Whispers to almost nothing. I smirked. The plan was going nicely. I teleported back to the Northern Cave.

Once I got there, I noticed Janelle was reading on experiments & Jenova cells. She walked over to 3 different Mako Pods.

"Darling, what is on your mind?"

"Alot is on my mind. But this is great... bare with me." Janelle stood infront of one pod & put her hand on it. It started to heat up & the ground beneath our feet started to shake. I looked at her.

"Janelle, what is this?" She didn't answer. A big force from her hand pushed her away from the pod throwing her across the room.

Before I was able to run to catch her, she was already on her feet. She looked at me then the pod. Something... was growing.

"Oh my god.. it worked." She covered her mouth. She moved closer slowly as she watched 3 of the pods start to glow in a red aura. 3 men were comatose inside them. They were Jenova & Mako infused. They all had silver hair & pretty muscular.

"Janelle what did you do?" She smirked & bit her lip.

"I made remnants..."

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