Chapter 19

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I watched her out of the cave. Those tears running down her face felt like gunshot wounds to my entire being.
Why did I do this...
I punched the wall of the cave with anger.
'The only thing that mattered to me... is gone. I'm such a fool'

I shook my head & glanced over at the file on the table. I made my way over & looked at it. I picked it up slowly.
I analyzed the file & opened it. Once again, reading it.

"Hojo..?" I questioned out loud. I read on.

"Shinra Scientists Hojo & Crescent have confirmed positive reactions to Jenova cells."

I shook my head.

"Lucrecia Crescent seeing hallucinations of man with long silver hair, long sword, in fire. Believes to be her son"

"Son of Crecent & Hojo was born on XX/XX/XXXX. Sephiroth. Fully equipped of Jenova Cells & Mako. Success Experiment"

I couldn't read anymore. I burned the file with my own hands. I looked up to the roof of the cave, holding back every emotion my body was trying to make me feel. I was angry, upset, sad, every emotion, I felt in every inch of my body.

I teleported out of the cave. I had to go. I had to be with her.

I need to find her..


After I left Cloud, I decided to go to the place I doubted anyone knew.

The Crystal Cave.

I teleported away from Cloud into Nibelhiem.

I looked around & everything was dead. Building were burned down, plants & trees didn't shed a single form of life. No one was in sight. I looked around slowly taking in my very familiar surroundings.

'They really didn't care to help this place...' I whispered to myself as I walked past the house Cloud & I lived in.... where she... died.

I shook my head I kept walking.

I walked towards the base of the mountain & flew to the top.

I noticed an icy blue color radiating from the side of the mountain. I walked inside.

I found her.

I walked to the center of the center of the cave & looked at her. Beautiful long brunette hair, arms crossed her chest, with her lab coat still on.

Lucrecia Cresent.

"Who are you?" I heard a voice call out. I looked around, unfamiliar with the events.

"Uhm..uh... I'm Janelle. I wanted to see what was in here"

"Who sent you?"

"No one, ma'am.. Who is talking to me?"

"The woman you most likely came to see."


"Yes. Now tell me, why are you here"

"I just... uhm." I struggled to find words.

"I came here to speak with you about a file I found in the Shinra Mansion..."

"That corrupt company sent you? Disgusting. Leave."

"Ms Lucrecia. I wasn't sent by Shinra... I came here on my own terms..."

"What did you want to know?"

I paced a bit. I was nervous. Also i felt weird because I was hearing a voice or I'm losing my mind.

"The file I found mentioned you studied Jenova cells. Is this true?"

She sighed.
"Yes. I regret it to this day. I couldn't live myself knowing what I've done"

"What have you done...? What exactly did you do?"

"I experimented on children to create super SOLIDERS.. all of them failed. Except one."

"Can I ask a question?"

"Yes. What is it?"

"Was one of your experiments Project S?"

"Yes... Hojo, Gast, Hollander, & myself experimented Jenova cells on that Project."

"Did his name happen to be... Sephiroth?"

She didn't answer right away... she went silent for a moment.

"Yes.. Thats my son"

Shocked, I kept my composure. I shook my head of the anger i felt.

"I didn't even get to hold him... I didn't even get to be a Mother to him. I regret putting him at risk that could've degraded him or even killed him.... please tell me he's still alive... please!"

She pleaded... The feeling of hatred & anger subsided.. a mother that had her son taken from her... not even being able to be a mother..

"Yes he's Lucrecia, everyone has told him Jenova was his mother & his father was a low life...he went insane.."

"No one told him the truth like I asked them.... I knew that was going to happen.. I knew bad things were going to go loose.."

"I have to stop Hojo"

"Janelle, he's an insane & twisted man. He will make you think darkness is the only way. That everything he says is right."

"I have to do what is right for this world... for Sephiroth.. I love him.." I looked down to the floor. Remembering how fast I left the cave & the look on his face. Tears started to swell my eyes again.

"Do what you think is right for him.. don't do what I did.. I made him into the person he is now.. please make things right.. but don't put yourself in danger. He is no normal man. He's stronger & smarter than the average man with the Jenova Cells.."

I looked at her. She looked very peaceful in the crystal like pod.

"Lucrecia where i can find Jenova?"

"Where do think Hojo is.."

I didn't even have to ask her twice. I already knew.

"..Thank you Lucrecia"

I went to leave. But I heard her utter those words I never thought I'd hear..

"Please.. save my son"

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