Chapter 18

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I handed Sephiroth the file. I stood up & walked away from him. I absolutely did not want to be within reach of him as he read it.
I glanced at him. His face was rigid & his jaw was clenched as he focused on the documents.

"I don't remember her"

"She died shortly after giving birth to you.."

"Yeah, that's what they said about Jenova" He said with no emotion.

He walked past me & threw the file on the table. He glanced over his shoulder.

"We don't speak of this again"

"Sephiroth, we can't let that go. That might be the truth you've been looking for all your li-"

"I said drop it, Janelle. I've been lied to my entire life about my family, friends, & my existence. Why do you think this would be a clue"

"Did you even look at the picture of her? She looks like you, same hair, her height.... she has to be your... mother" I whispered the last part. I didn't want to anger the beast more than he already was.

"I have silver hair. Not brown or black. It doesn't matter"

I walked up to him slowly. Grabbing his arm slightly, making him look at me. His eyes were piercing right through me.

"The Jenova cells is what makes your hair silver. We can always just hunt Hojo down & get him to tell us the truth.."

He glared at me & pushed me back against the wall with force. I gasps at the sudden act he made on me. I looked up at him. His eyes studying my gaze. It was intense.

"If you go near the Shinra building, I will never forgive you. Do not test my demeanor or character with this matter"

I glared at him. I brought my hand onto his dragging an electric current through my hand onto him. He grunted & pushed himself away as he shakes the electricity off him.

"Do not ever lay your hands on me in such a hurtful manner & do not speak to me with threats. I will do what I think is right for you! Think about others before yourself for once, Sephiroth! I'm not here to be the dirt you tread on! I'm here to help you & myself to reach our plan!" I had tears running down my face. He stared at me with guilt. He looked so vulnerable & hurt. He tried to reach for me but I ran off & flew out of the cave. I heard his voice, but didn't dare look back. I just flew & ran. I wasn't familiar with my surroundings. I wasn't looking for a destination.

I just need to keep sane.


We walking into the streets from the Honey Bee Inn. I don't want to be recognized, I don't want to be talked to. I want to get out of here & fast.



"it's not that bad! You look so pretty!" I heard Aerith giggle. I turned around & looked at her. I was wearing a dress to save Tifa from Don Corneo.

"This isn't what i had in mind"

"You look like a classic beauty!"

She held onto my arm as we mad our was to Corneo's Mansion. I stopped & cluched my head. I looked behind me & Janelle was staring at us with her arms crossed.

"Wow Cloud. Never knew you could be so....formal" she smirked

"Yeah, whatever I look good, moving on" I said in an absolute tone.

Janelle looked at me then Aerith. Aerith looked back at her with confidence.

"So you're that one soliders girlfriend.. damn, what was his name? Cloud, you knew him. You always covered for him when he was late getting back to HQ." Janelle said as she glanced over at me.

"Zack Fair" Aerith whispered. I looked at her. Zack never mentioned Aerith.

"Oh, that's rightttttt!" Janelle agreed & put her finger to her chin.

Anywho, why are you going into crusty man's house?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't. I'm just nosy. You'll catch a disease in there." She walked past us & snapped her fingers. As she disappeared, Tifa appeared.

Why did she help us..?

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