Chapter 15

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"My love, what did you do?" I asked Janelle as she approached the mako pods slowly. She smiled slightly. 

"I made remnants to do our dirty work. For later at least. They all represent a certain personality trait about you." I questioned her. I was in intrigued. 

She grabbed my hand & walked up to the pods. One had shoulder length hair silver hair, the other had long silver hair like mine & the last one has short sild hair but was bigger than the others. I crossed my arms. 

"Kadaj, Yazoo, & Loz." 


"Their names. Kadaj represents your hatred & manipulation. Yazoo represents your love & aloofness. Loz represents your sensitivity & strength." 

"But why me?" 

"Cloud can't stand a chance against you or me. But combining your strength & your personality with them scares him more than I do. I'm too "let me at em" personality" when I see him." 

"How do we control them?" 

"They don't start causing trouble until we are done with ours. So they will stay here until we are done" 

"Will we get to talk to them or even tell them our plan?" 

"they will know our plan  without us being here. They'll know but the Jenova Cells." 

I nodded my head as I studied the men in the pods. 

"So if something happens to me, you, or both of us... they will wake up & start a riot" 

"Supposedly" Janelle nodded & looked away. I knew she was upset even thinking about anything happening again. I didn't like it either. But I don't think will happen again... Right? I grabbed her & held her close. 

"I don't think we will need to use those remnants. any time soon at least." I kissed her then she froze. She was having a vision. 

"Janelle? Are you okay? What do you see?" 

"Cloud & his posse is at Reactor 5."



We finally arrived at Sector 5 after a rough train ride & shutting down sun lamps. We met up with Biggs who cleared the way for us. We walk out of a vent onto a platform in Reactor 5. Barrett  walked ahead & looked down the rails & around the reactor, observing.

"Thats it.. thats the smell. This place reeks of Mako."

"Looks like we made it" Tifa said. Looking at Barrett.

"Is this the same layout as Reactor 1?" Barrett asked.

"Yeah." I exclaimed. "We're near mako storage."

"Lets move." Barret demanded.

I walked ahead & looked around. We all looked for an exit. But no way down.

"I'm not seeing a way down.."

"Here maybe?" Tifa said as she leaned over the railing. We all looked down at the huge pipe that looks we might have to skateboard down.

"Lets go!" We all slid down the pipe to the bottom floor.


Once we got down to the floor, we walked down a hallway that was a home for a big looking thing that would shoot at us at any time.

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