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The alarm chimed the morning, and though Miquel and Nani didn't want me working yet, it was Prestons last day before going away on vacation, he pushed his time back due to me being sick. But I needed to get back there. I felt enough guilt about this, and I didn't want to hold Preston from spending his time off the farm and with his friends.

I gave a stretch, the breeze hitting my skin as my arms left the covers. My ears rang from my movements, once I had lowered my arms I noticed a mumbling coming from outside. At first, I didn't listen to it until I heard Riot's voice. "I've got to go into the pack lands today, see the Alpha and get supplies." He said, referring to Eddy, the Alpha of the Jasper pack. Though Nani and Miquel were on the farm and seemed to be on their own, they were still in a pack, and Riot was presumably in that pack as well. I wasn't sure if Preston was with him being a shifter, but I could only assume that that's where his parents were from, though I guess I could ask.

"You should take Star with you," Preston's voice pipped in, I heard a clicking akin to the footsteps on their porch.

"I don't know man. Maybe he can stay here with you this time. I'm not sure we're ready to be alone together."

"Riot— "

"Of course I waited all this time just for my mate to be a drug-addicted kid." He said with a sigh, their voices getting further away, going towards the coops.

"I know, but he's a great kid."

"I'm sure he is. But I don't know if I can handle that—" The coops door shut, blocking me off from what they were saying now. I felt frozen, I felt hot tears in my eyes as regret started to pool in my stomach. Angrily I took to fists and rubbed my eyes, I wanted to scream, I wanted to growl and run. But I couldn't, I couldn't even make a squeak to show my frustration.

I didn't even know how old Riot was, I just knew that he was older, and he was alone all this time. I've been alone nineteen years and I felt like I was a failure for not finding my mate sooner, I couldn't imagine how he felt. How lonely he must have been.

I sat in bed a little longer trying to compose myself. It took a few minutes but I finally made myself get up and dressed.

It was awkward, but I followed behind Preston, following his lead as he showed me everything I needed to know and watched me as I did things for myself. I was getting the hang of the whole farm thing. Or I liked to think I was, the animals didn't hate me and Preston didn't have any completes.

I wiped my brow as he called for lunch as I made my way to the guest house with him. I hadn't been in it, or really inside of it. My stomach churned, the smell of RIot taking over the space that used to be free of him the last few days while he was away. He hadn't left yet. I didn't know if he would, or if he had changed his mind. But I followed Preston into the small home and was greeted by the modern set up. A large TV was on the wall adjacent to the entrance that was walled off by a sofa. It was pretty open, the kitchen was next to the living room with an island to eat at, and one halfway. Riot was standing in the kitchen, eating a sandwich when we walked in. "Afternoon," Pres said, going to the fridge and grabbing two water bottles, he tossed one towards me and I caught it effortlessly.

I gave Riot an awkward wave when he looked towards me, he mumbled a hey back and I bit my lip feeling silly for even walking into his space. "You still going in to town?"

"Yea, why you need something?" Riot asked as he swallowed his food.

"Yea, I need to finish packing. Star is going with you."

I supported, looking towards Preston, Riot looked caught off guard as well, his browns knitting together as he stood up with his plate. "Um—"

'It's fine, I can stay here.' I tried, "

The Alpha's Boy {Man x Man}Where stories live. Discover now