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We ran for miles, together. Just us in the woods and it was the best feeling. It was needed, my arms and legs needed to feel the ground on my pads.

It was getting dark, but we had yet to turn back, it had only been two hours, and it wasn't enough. Riot was behind me, but not far, his node hitting my back leg every now and again as he tried to trip me.

I gave him a playful snarl before running ahead. I weaved through trees, jumping over a few branches before coming to a small river that went through the land. I looked back but I couldn't see Riot, and for a moment I panicked before his head hit me on the side, rolling me over onto my back. He was bearing his teeth at me, growling before grabbing the scruff of my neck.

I yelped, kicking my feet and growling back. I shot up, as we circled each other, I jumped forward, hitting him quickly in the legs, my chin scraping the ground, but I did just what I wanted, Riot stood on his hind legs, and quickly lost his balance, falling back first into the little river.

I couldn't help the laugh that echoed through both our heads, I'll get you back for that

Oh, I'm shaking in my boots.

I ran back through the trees, hearing him chase behind me. I ran up a small hill and hid behind a rock. I was high on adrenalin, and when Riot trotted past I grabbed his tail between my teeth, pulling him back.

We played like that for another hour before we decided to make our way back to our things and go home.

But the games didn't end there as Riot chased me through the clearing, my laugh echoed out in the trees until the front door shut, beholding it closed as Riot ran behind me. It was easy for him to get through it, he grabbed me easily in the living room.

He grabbed me by the hips, my back pressed against the naked wall when his lips found my own. "Your laugh is infectious," He mumbled against my lips, taking my hands into his and keeping them pressed to the wall. My heart raced at his words, I just nodded as Riot pressed himself onto me, the sound passing my lips was completely foreign, I had never made a sound akin to that in my life, my face turned a bright right while Riot smirked.

"Do it again,"

I shook my head,

"Fine, play the hard way."

I made breakfast the next morning, pancakes with chocolate chips

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I made breakfast the next morning, pancakes with chocolate chips. Riot slept in, so I made our coffee and waited for him.

He wasn't long coming down in the morning, shirtless with his sweatpants on and bedhead. Almost like on auto piolet he comes over to where I was sitting and bent down, kissing me on the lips before grabbing his coffee and stretching himself out, giving a rather loud yawn.

It felt almost domestic.

My heart fluttered looking over at him and remembering everything from the night before. Playing the hard way didn't work well. Riot found a spot behind my ear and that was it, I was a noisy puddle on the floor.

My face flushed as I thought about it. Everything was so new to me, affection, the sounds you could make. It excited me but made me nervous. I was more than happy that Riot was there to help me through it. After had — done it, last night we laid together in the bed, his arms were around me, two arms around m waist as his lips touched the back of my neck. I was scared about everything that the future held. I wondered what was in the store for us.

We finished eating in peace before we packed up and went to my dads' house, entering the chaos that was Maddox, who was having a meltdown over — something God knew what as Silas waved to us, carrying the screaming toddler up the stairs, both of them looking tired.

"Early nap time?" I asked, walking into the living room with Riot on my heels, Darren was standing in the living room with Mak in his arms, shushing him as he swayed gently.

"Yea, they were up before six, Mad's started having a meltdown, scared Mak, so, we'll just have a before noon nap today, right buddy?" Darren looked at Mak, who was cuddled into his shoulder, he gave a half nod before shutting his eyes. Darren smiled softly before telling us he'd be right back and followed behind Silas now that the screaming had stopped.

I sat on the couch, looking around the living room as Riot walked around and stopped at the fireplace, looking at the photos. He smirked picking one up of thirteen years of me holding a fish on a line. "Cute," He commented putting it back down, he looked at another, this time it was an old photo of Symon, he wasn't old in the photo himself, he looked about twenty. He and Silas sat on a porch step— it looked like neither man knew the camera was there as they spoke to one another, Silas had a paper in his hand, while Symon looked over at it, his mouth in mid-motion, but it wasn't unflattering.

It was eerie seeing photos of the light-haired man, knowing he was out there - somewhere. It was like I had known him my whole life but hardly knew him at the same time. I had barely met him, We shared maybe a handful of words. But yet, he was such a big part of this house, the twins knew who he was, they knew he would be back.

It made me sad knowing he was missing out on so much.

But yet, it almost seemed like he knew what was going on. He sends letters all the time that gave us little hints that he knew.

The year I was adopted he addressed the card to 'Silas and The Phoenix-Clayart Family' for the first time. The year the twins were born he had put two little blue hearts on the bottom of the card.

He was never far away, and he made that be known.

Riot sat down with me after a moment, soft music played from the bedroom above us as both boys got ready for nap time. "He looks like a good guy."

"He is," I replied, "He had issues before. Dad said he had bad PTSD, OCD. He was wound as tight. I think that was Dad's biggest issue with him just leaving, that he had all these routines,s and all of a sudden he was gone."

Riot was about to say something when someone knocked on the door, I raised a brow before getting up and walking over, I looked in the peak hole — it was someone I didn't know, but behind them stood Elis — who looked less than pleased with his arms crossed over his chest. "Dad!" I half yelled, hoping neither boy was still awake.

Both my dads came down a moment later, both empty-handed as they walked down the stairs. I opened the door to both men. The man smiled, his black hair was clearly dyed as the dark, red colour ran through it, his nose holding a bulls ring in the middle. one of his arms was littered in tattoos, flames, and demonic-looking faces. But despite that, didn't look threatening.

"Who are you?" Darren asked, putting a hand out to step in front of me.

"Hey, Sorry to bug ya' Names Cypher. I was asked by a good bud of mine to drop in." He said with a clear Australian accent.

"Your bud? Who is your bud?"

"Ah, yea sorry. Hold on." He dug into his pocket, pulling out a cell phone and pushing in a few things before we all heard a ringing.

"It's 2 in the morning." A groggy- yet familiar voice said from the other end of the phone, my blood went cold at that, I looked back to my parents who both seemed to have the same reaction, their faces going pale.

"You told me to call you when I got here," Cypher said, rolling his eyes at us as if to complain about the person on the other end.

"You're there?"

"Am here. Say hi to yer family." He pulled the phone away from his ear, reviling a video screen where a sleepy-looking man sat up quickly on a bed, his eyes no longer green, his hair no longer blonde. But I knew who he was the moment I saw him, even if I hardly knew him, even though I only knew him for a moment.

Silas was the first to speak, his voice just above a whisper as he walked past Darren.


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