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My parents vow to stay a few days to help me settle. But really it only makes me feel more agitated. I didn't want them here anymore. It was only the second morning and I was already ready for them to go back home.

I hadn't gone out much the day before, mainly because I had taken two extra pills and couldn't really force myself to really do anything. I could feel it though, the lingering effects leaving my body. I didn't like it. I had half a pill in me, and I needed more.

But if you get more, you'll get caught.

The whole reason you're here is to get clean.

I sighed as I stepped into the sun, breakfast had ended and everyone acted as if I wasn't locked in my room the day before in a drug-induced haze.

As if they didn't speak about me right outside the door like I wouldn't hear them.

"Will he be ok?" My grandfather asked, his voice a little above a whisper. I could tell the man didn't speak much from the day we arrived, but I didn't think the first things I would hear him the day would be laced in worry about me.

But at that moment I didn't care, because my mouth was hung open as I sat up in the nearby desk chair, my arm hanging numbly towards the ground, I blinked a few times, but I was too far gone. I couldn't force myself to the bed, let alone the door to let them know that; hey, I was fine.

"Just, give him some time. This is all very new to him." Silas said, his voice low too, there was a silence between them, and understanding.

"He will get better."

I didn't hear Silas reply, and soon after their feet were echoing down the hallway.

I didn't want to think about it. It made my chest hurt.

"'Eh there!" An overly perky voice said, coming in from behind the house, "You must be the grandson, How yea doin' I'm Preston, I'm yer' boss until Riot comes back. Because he's the real boss. But like, let me believe it for a little bit yea?"

I looked at him for a minute. My eyebrows raised on their own, but it didn't deter the blondes 'goofy looking smile. His dark blues eyes didn't shift either, he had his long, lanky arm outstretched to me, ready for me to shake his hand. So I did. I put my hand in his then quickly gave him a two-finger salute.

"Unfortunately, I'm not fluent in sign. So I'm not overly sure how we plan to do this."

I nodded, taking out my phone and typing into it quickly. 'It's fine.'

"Ah, now that's lucky. Technology eh? Well, come on. Chip N' Dale won't feed themselves."

'Chip and Dale?"

"Chip n' Dale." He said with a nod, not really catching what I was throwing. But it wasn't long before I found out who Chip n' Dale were.

We walked into the stable, and both horses waited inside, a large bag of feed waited by the door. One of the horses let out a huff, the large black one waved his head as if it was nodding for us to come over. "Now, we don't normally give them much feed in the summer months. They can eat the grass and such. But, Chip here is havin' a baby, so we want to help beef her up a bit." He patted the black and white horse on the nose, giving her a little pack, before turning to the pure black horse that stood taller than the mare and looked a lot scarier. "Dale here, he gets jealous, and though he may look like a tough boy, he's a big softy and pretty spoiled. Mostly by Riot, I like Chip more. She's a lot less sassy." Preston patted the back of Dale before putting feed into a basket nearby. "They'll eat this, and then go off. I did some other things this morning, like cleaning their shoes and brushing them out. I was gonna wait for you, but I figured we wouldn't get too heavy on your first day. We also gotta give some feed to the cows, because trust me they smell this stuff."

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