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'You really thought the best time to bring my aunt to meet me was after I OD'd?' I said, looking past the two strangers to Riot, who didn't bother to translate what I was saying, obviously wanting to have a private conversation with me even though people were in the room.

'Trust me, this wasn't my idea'

'Then whose idea was this. I've been awake for ten minutes. Could I at least get a coffee first?'

Riot let out a sigh, before opening the door to the room. "Greg, Aggy. Can Star and I get a moment, please? Could you possibly bring us back coffee? Two sugars and cream?"

Angeitha and Greg looked Riot over for a moment before nodding their heads and leaving, Riot shut the door behind them before coming to stand next to the bed that I was stuck in. "You're an idiot."

'I know.'

"You could have died."

'I know.'

"Your heart stopped at one point."

I looked down into my hands. I had no memory of that, I had no dreams while passed out, I just bit my lip before Riot sighed again, sitting on the side of the bed.

"Is this going to happen every time I leave? Do you need to join a program?"

'No, I don't need a program. It won't happen again. It was just, with nani gone, and you were gone. My head just— it won't happen again.' He pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment before putting his hand down on the bed, it landing on my knee.

"You're going to withdraw again. Maybe a program would be better for you. I know you don't want to, but Star, you're sick. You did really well for one week, but what happens if this happens every week? I can't handle that, your body can't handle that. I want to be there for you, but there's only so much I can do. And I'm not a professional. I can only offer you what I know, and it obviously didn't work that well."

'But it did work.' I pressed, my chest getting tight with the thought that he thought he failed me, I always thought I was a failure, I never thought that the people around me would feel like they failed because of my actions, I just thought they would be disappointed in me. Not in themselves. 'I just need a bit more time. I need a couple of weeks to work on myself, and once that's over I'm sure I'll be fine. And if I'm not, sure I'll go into a program. But none of this is your fault. It's mine. I was stupid, I got scared. It has nothing to do with anything you did. You helped me so much. More than I could have asked or imagined.' I looked at him, he looked tired, like he'd been up all night. I dropped a hand and grabbed his, giving it a squeeze with a pleading look.

"I didn't find your aunt on my own. That guy from your pack — Quinn. Darren gave me his number so he could help me find her. It didn't take long, she didn't live far and once I made contact with her, she didn't want to wait to meet you. She's been here all night. She thought you and your brother died that night, I think she's in a bit of shock and I couldn't make her leave."

I nodded, squeezing his hand one more time before taking it away. 'How long have you known?'

"I was going to take you here today to meet her actually. So at least half my plan panned out." He gave me a smirk, and I rolled my eyes.

We didn't get much time alone, the door opened again in a moment and my aunt came in the door, the doctor no longer with her. She held two steaming mugs in her hands, she gently placed them on the nightstand before turning to look at me. "You look just like your father." She said, I bit on the inside of my lip, my hands holding gently onto the blanket. I didn't want to do this right now. But who was I to tell her no? She thought I was dead — which was strange to even think of. I never really thought about mom's family not knowing about me, or greaving us. I had only found out about them after I was adopted. So it wasn't something that was in my head all the time, I never needed to look for them. And if I did, I just assumed they knew I was kidnapped. I mean, my body wouldn't have been found at the crime scene. But I guess a fire could leave people with a lot of unanswered questions.

"I have pictures if you want to see them sometime." She said, her voice softer as she placed herself in the chair beside the bed. Riot stood in the corner, watching us silently, and only for the fact he was there did I feel comfortable, even in the slightest.

'Yes, yea sure. One day, not right now. I don't think I'm ready for that.' I said, using my phone so Riot didn't have to pull himself out of the corner.

"I'm sorry, I know this may be a lot for you. I just — I had no idea, I hadn't seen you or Lucca a lot before the fire, everything was almost turned to dust that night. I heard about what happened now, I've been filled in. I know about your brother and — I'm so sorry. If I had known Alister I would have been looking for you. But we all assumed—"

'It's ok. You don't need to apologize for something you had no control in. Let's face it, there's no point to act like none of it ever happened, it won't change anything.'

She nodded her head, she stayed an hour or so, talking about my mom and dad. Telling me stories about them when they were young. My heart ached, I wish I could have known them. I wish I had stories about them to share with her.

Riot could tell I was mentally exhausted by the time she left, it didn't take him long to climb in the double bed beside me. It made my chest tight, but my eyes stayed closed once his head was on the pillow beside mine.

I was so thankful for him there because I was able to sleep peacefully — finally. 

The Alpha's Boy {Man x Man}Where stories live. Discover now