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We had made it just before nightfall the next day, and you could tell by the look on Darren's face that he was proud of that. I watched him as we got out of the SUV and looked at the large saltbox house that stood in the middle of nowhere. The farmland was large, there wasn't another house for miles, besides a house up the road that Darren said his best friend's family lived in. Not only was there a Salthouse, a barn, and a large silo, but there was another smaller house that sat a bit away. It had a pickup truck parked in front of it, lights on in one part, and I couldn't help but wonder who was in there, and why.

The home my grandparents lived in had been added to, the two-story, yellow boxed house had a long room on the downstairs half that looked like it was newer. The home itself had five windows upstairs, facing the road, and three downstairs, two on the left side of the door.

It looked cozy. Like you could spend your time inside during the winter by the fire and just feel peace.

I took a deep breath and quickly wrinkled my nose. From behind me, I heard Darren chuckled and put a hand on my shoulder. "You get used to the smell, look." He turned me, and in the pasture, I saw two horses, a few cows in another fenced off-field, and bigs by the barn.


"Dare Bear!" I woman's voice called, all of us turned our heads at the same time, towards a short, and plump woman coming down from the deck that sat at the front of the house. Darren's grandmother ran as fast as her short little legs could take her and threw herself at him, he caught her swiftly, the two of him sharing a long hug.

I turned my eyes away and looked at an older man coming from the house, a cane in hand as he stepped down, holding onto the rail. He was smiling, but not as wide as Darren's grandmother. She pulled away and I couldn't help but look at her. I hadn't seen many photos of Julie, but I could see her in the face of her mother. Her dark, bold eyes. Her larger greek nose dipped lower on her face.

Darren must have seen it too because he took a moment to look her face over with a solemn look on his face before letting her go and smiling at her. "Nani, it's so good to see you again."

"It's so nice to see you too, my sweet baby. Look at you, you're an old man now. Oh Silas," Nani gushed turning towards dad. "Look at you, you're growing out your facial hair, it looks so nice. Miquel, look at the boys. We haven't seen you since the wedding, how are the twins? Did you bring them?"

Silas was laughing as Nani forced herself into his arms, "No, they didn't come. But I have plenty of pictures and videos to show you."

"Good, good. We'll share over tea. Miquel, did you start the kettle? Star baby," Nani was looking at me now, a smile on her face, though weary now. I couldn't remember her from the wedding. I was too high and experimenting with drugs at the time that the whole wedding was a haze.

She didn't force herself into my arms like she did my dads, she walked towards me, before opening her arms to me, and I could do nothing but lean in and hug the small woman back. Darren and granddad started to talk as she hugged me, her face hardly reaching my chest. "You're becoming such a big man." She started, "You'll do so well here. Oh, you'll love working with the boys."

'The boys?' I signed, hoping that she knew what I was saying.

"Oh yes, Preston is in the guest house right now, they usually live there during the week, on the weekend they go into town. They work on the farm and keeping it running, Riot is on a small vacation right now. He should be back around the middle of next week. They're sweet boys. You'll fit right in."

I looked to Silas, who was looking at me, I was a little caught off guard, I didn't know there were other people living here.

"Preston is probably eating by now, so you can meet him in the morning. Come, come. We'll get a chill waiting out here all night. Let's get inside and get settled." Nani said as she ushered us towards the house.

It was cute, a classic farmhouse with lined wallpaper, wood flooring. Parts had been updated, the sinks were new, the bathroom I passed as we walked in was newly renovated. The kitchen still had the old wooden cabinets but the appliances were new.

The house was warm, it was cozy. I had a bedroom to myself with a double bed. I learned quickly the house had four bedrooms upstairs, one that used to be Darren's when he grew up. It looked just like it did when he moved out at eighteen, with band posters and black walls. Both my dads stayed in that room while I stayed in the guest room that would become my room.

"You can sleep here and make yourself at home, and if you want, you can stay in the guest house. But that's up to you. I'm fine with wherever you sleep." Nani said as she opened the small bedroom door. The walls were dark green with matching curtains. I had the perfect view of the guest home from the bedroom window. The lights were off now, but there was a glow coming from a TV in what I could assume was the living room window. From this window, I could see what I assumed was one bedroom window along with the living room.

I felt my stomach sink as I sat on the bed, it creaked under my weight. My hands shook with the lack of drugs in my system. But it wouldn't be for long, I had a stash of Adderall in my jeans that my dads didn't find when they 'patted me down' before we left.

They tried to make sure that I didn't have anything on me. But I'd been doing this for a while, and it didn't matter how many times they looked through my things, or had a guard pat me down before we leave the lands. I always found a way to hide what I had.

I had enough pills to last me a few days, and after that, I would need to find a way to get more. The town was far off. But if I phased and ran to the outskirts it would only take me ten minutes. Or that was the hope. I hadn't done it yet, it may take me longer, and I wasn't going to ask Darren his experiences on getting into the city fast, because then he'd get a clue on what my plan was, and I didn't want to be stuck on lockdown. Especially with a house behind my bedroom where people could see me.

I put a pill in my mouth and prayed to whoever was listening to please, please let these months go quickly, and let my sleep be dreamless. 

The Alpha's Boy {Man x Man}Where stories live. Discover now