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My friends laughed as they ran into the deepest part of the woods before we could stop at the lake that was named after my — well actually I didn't know what to call Marshall. It was complicated.

Marshall was my dad's, dad's mate, and my uncle's father. He was killed by my kidnapper Charles, who was also his brother, who also helped my brother kill our pack.

Still following along?

My uncle Symon left just before Charles had come to the pack for — well no real reason than to intimidate my dads about old jewels that didn't even hold much meaning anymore and get me and Symon. Which obviously didn't happen. Or maybe it did. With Symon missing it was hard to tell where he was. After being spotted on cameras for a couple of months after he left he had gone MIA with his assumed partner. But every year around Christmas dad always got a postcard from a random city around the world. It was normally blank with just a little s on the bottom with a date. Which I guess was a good sign.

I was high. But I didn't want Ivan to know because if Ivan knew they would get mad and when Ivan was mad, it well, it was bad?

It wasn't the worst thing in the world. But he was my best friend and fighting with them hurt a lot. I didn't like the idea of them being mad at me

Then why do you keep fucking up?

I sighed to myself but watched as Liam stripped off his pants and shirt before jumping into the lake, Ivan stood by, a beer in thier hand as we watched our friend complain about the freezing water. Nearby was Patrick, Patty as we called him. He was a bit older than us, but he didn't seem to mind being around us. He had his life figured out to a point. He was twenty-one, with a mate, a house, and a job. But on weekends he liked to come with us and hang out, have a few beers before heading home to Cecilia.

Being part wolf and getting drunk or high was a challenge if you didn't know where to go. But I was thankful that Rule knew where to get all the good stuff. The pills or powder that had a little extra in it to hit you off. If you took two or three pills at one time you would be on cloud nine. It was fatal to humans. One pill would take a human out for days— or worse. Ever. drinking was a little easier. Someone always had a little spiker on hand to get your wasted a little quicker. Darren had strong stuff in the basement of our house too, the strong stuff, made for wolves by wolves. He had a stash in the wrack room. Nine bottles, — or it started as nine. Currently, it was nine bottles, but only four of them had real alcohol in it. The rest was grape water.

I knew I needed to slow down. They would catch on soon. I wouldn't get away with it forever, and though Silas and Darren weren't overly strict, with the twins growing up and in the house now things were a little bit more — difficult.

It started when they turned two and Maddox had pulled out a baggy from my backpack. I had left it in the wetroom for a quick minute before running off to spend the night at Ivans.

But that didn't happen when the bag of pills ended up in my little brother's hands. He didn't get any of them, but the cat was out of the bag at that point. They knew they knew everything. I'm sure they always had known but had just left me alone about it. But they couldn't leave me alone about it when there were toddlers involved. Plus I was only a kid too — I guess you could say I still am. But I was an adult in the eyes of the pack. Now that I was nineteen I was a man, a man who needed to get out on his own and find his mate, find his way in the world.

Find his uncle

Symon. Oh, Symon. I didn't really know the man. I hadn't spent much time with him. But he is at every corner. Everywhere I look his face is there. His photo is all over our house, his name is spoken daily. Inside and outside the house. People mumble about him, rumors spread. That he was in on it, that he had a hand in killing my grandfathers — which is stupid because he was a baby when his father died, and a kid when his adopted father died. They would say that he was drugging Silas this whole time. That Symon was making Silas weak, and that he was a danger to the pack. A shifter.

I can't imagine how Symon felt all his time here, he must have felt like such an outsider. like you do.

I shook my head and looked at my friends. Ivan was jumping off a rope that was tied to a tree, giving off a 'woo' as they let go and their body hit the water, water rippling.

Rule was sitting aside on a rock, his legs bouncing as his brown eyes looked off into nothing — clearly high out of his mind—

Liam was floating in the water, his head bobbing at the surface as he spoke something to Ivan when his head came to the surface. Pat was out of the water but had droplets falling off of him as he checked his cellphone before giving off a sigh. I wanted to ask what the matter was. Ask if he was alright.

But I had no voice and I couldn't get his attention without words from where I sat, my feet in the lake.

"I've got to run guy," He said after a minute, standing up as he dried his hair with his shirt. "Ce asked me to come home, she needs some things from the store."

"Tell her you're busy." Rule came out from his high to say, Pat just shook his head with an eye roll.

"You'll understand one day mate." He said, before leaning down, his body phasing from the brown-haired, tanned skinned man into a large dark brown haired wolf with white going down his chest.

He was gone before any of us could say anything else. Rule let out a yawn, walking towards me before plopping down and giving me a pat on the back. "How ya' feeling?" I just nodded my head, knowing that he would have an idea of what I was saying. That I was as fine as I could be.

Rule knew the hidden parts of me, the part of me that I tried so hard to hide from my family and Ivan. He knew my bad habits, he knew that even though I promised never to touch anything again that I couldn't help it, that no matter how many times I said I no, that there was always something. That no matter how many times I wanted to say no thank you, no matter how many tears I would cry tomorrow morning once the high was gone and the regrets were setting in, I would still go looking for it again a few hours later.

He knew I was weak.

'What time are you meeting Taylor tomorrow?' He signed, his eyes watching Ivan, who thankfully was laughing at something Liam was saying.

'I was thinking around three. You coming?'

"Yea, I can drive if yea want." I nodded, I would like that. That way I had an alibi if my dad asked at any point. We could come up with a story during the drive. I wouldn't want to just phase and run back to the house with a bag in my mouth, not with the risk of it breaking or being caught.

And it's just weird to see a wolf running around with a backpack on his shoulder or in his mouth.

I didn't need a Buzzfeed article about that anywhere.

It was peaceful being with my friends, though Ivan and Rule didn't really get along, mainly because Ivan knew that Rule would supply me when need be.

Ir was well after two in the morning when the lot of us were out of the water, we were just hanging around, hardly talking, I was starting to die down from my high, twitching with nerves that I wanted to hide away, thoughts making their way into my head no matter how hard I tried to will them away.

It was quiet, we were all starting to feel tired, Liam had long shifted into his wolf, and laid his head on his large paw, his eyes closed but ears alert.

"What was that?" Ivan asked, sitting up from their slumped over the spot where they played on their phone.

"What was what?" Rule asked, peeping up at Ivan, I sat up too, looking around in the darkness as we heard a twig crack in the distance like someone was stepping on it. A second later it happened again, Liam was quick to stand up, letting out a low growl to startle any animal that it may be away. Whatever it was started to get faster, and further away. I looked at Ivan, who had his eyes on me already. And I could tell that we were both thinking the same thing.

There was a list of people we had to be on the lookout for in the woods.

Charles, Lucca, and Symon.

Liam started to run into the woods, the three of us phasing and following behind him.

"Smell anything?" I asked, my voice being heard in my friend's head as we ran in our wolf forms.

"Not a thing." echoed Liam who was furthest ahead.

"They could be masking." And my heart sank. Because that means I would have to tell my dads. 

The Alpha's Boy {Man x Man}Where stories live. Discover now