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I'd been sober for a week. My hands still twitched, my dreams still haunted me. But when I was awake, things were easier. Riot and I spent a lot of time together, and it was comforting. We ate meals together, we fed animals together. At the end of the day, we watched TV together.

I was falling asleep, Riot and I were sitting in his living room watching Greys Anatomy, I hadn't watched the show before, so he insisted we started from season one. So that's what we did, and now the two of us were on season two, and I felt my eyelids getting heavy as I watched as Mereidtieth and Bailey try to figure out to get Judy Doll heads out of a man. I felt myself drifting off, and it wasn't long until I was in another world, my dreams swirls of colours; reds, greens, yellows, light blues, dark purples. I heard no voices, I didn't choke on fire. I slept, almost in total peace.

I was confused when I woke up, not only because I had no real dreams. But because the TV was now off, I could still hear sounds. It took me a moment to adjust and realize I was laying nearly completely over, my legs still hung off the couch like they had while I was sitting, my body was to its side, my head resting on something not soft enough to be called a pillow.

Not that I would call it such, because pillows didn't move

My head was on Riot's chest. When that realization hit me my whole body froze. Riot was sleeping, his soft snores echoing in the empty room. Not only was I on top of him, but his arm was wrapped around me, holding onto my shoulder. I took a deep breath, my body aching to turn over. But I know if I turned anymore I would end up in his lap and I didn't want to be that close to him.

I didn't have to think about it too long, because it only took a few minutes for Riot to move, his body stretching as he started to wake up a little. He let out a lazy yawn, He didn't move me, but I was able to move myself as he shifted, sitting myself up and making it sound like I was just waking before shifting my upper body to the other side of the couch, putting my legs on up. I had no choice but to stretch my legs over Riot's lap. I faked sleep and listened as Riot let out a soft chuckle but before long he was snoring softly again.

I fell back to sleep somehow, waking up only when my feet were being taken off of the lap that they were comfortably resting on. I didn't see him before he closed the bathroom door. But I did sit up and stretch my stiff body. I walked to the kettle, turning it on and waiting for Riot to finish in the bathroom. My body itched, I wanted so badly to feel numb as my feet tingle, my heart thumped in my chest and butterflies flew in my stomach. Feeling sensations were new to me, things in my body that did things on their own. I just wanted to let myself go, I wanted to phase and run free for a few hours. I wanted to sleep in and relax. I understood that keeping busy was better for my healing, but I couldn't help but feel like I needed more downtime. Less stress on myself.

Riot came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, his phone in his hands, I nibbled my lip, nervous to ask him what my heart needed.

"You ok?" He asked, grabbing two mugs off the hook and grabbing the coffee grinds.

I nodded my head, before shaking it quickly 'I need to run.' I said as he started to mix his coffee. He nodded his head, handing me a hot mug.

"Yea, I could use a run too. How about after breakfast? It's Sunday. We can go a little slower today." He took a sip of his coffee, before nodding his head towards the bathroom. "I left some clothes in there if you want to change."

'Thank you.'

It was getting easier working on the farm, the animals didn't seem to be wary of me anymore, and I knew what to do before being told what to do

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It was getting easier working on the farm, the animals didn't seem to be wary of me anymore, and I knew what to do before being told what to do. I think it also helped that I had something to look forward to. I couldn't wait to feel my body change into its true form, feel the sun on my fur. But a part of me didn't want to shift anymore with the Riot's clothes on, I wanted to spend the rest of my day wearing them, and though I could change back into them after the shift, I felt comfort knowing that he let me wear these, that he wanted me to be in his clothes, and I loved the way his shirt hung low on my waist.

"We need to go into the empty field to phase, the animals get jumpy when we change and it takes a bit to get that trust back." Riot grabbed the helmet to the Side-by-side giving me one, before taking his own and getting onto it. He started the large vehicle, and putting it on the dirt road, we drove a bit before stopping in an empty felt that had a bit of tree covering. He stopped, jumping out and taking his helmet off. He lifted his shirt over his head first, and my toes curled seeing his bare chest. Being naked in front of people as a wolf was normal, phasing around with others was just normal. Especially for someone like Riot who grew up with a large pack. But seeing him like this now made my cheeks flush and I couldn't help but look away. I covered my shyness with my own shirt, before taking off the pants I had on. I didn't want to look over at Riot again, my back was now towards him and only for the fact that I heard him grunt did I know that he was phasing at that moment. So I too started my shift.

It had been years since I last phased without anything in my body, I forgot how painful it could be, the bones moving the skin stretching. I wanted to cry out in pain, finally realizing why Miquel told me to wait for it off. I was breathing heavily before I turned my head to Riot.

'You good?' His voice echoed in my head, I nodded, my eyes falling onto him and I felt my chest tug,

'You're—' I was at a loss for words as I gazed at him, his golden fur reflecting the sun just like my own did, I dipped my head, sitting my body down as I tried to get my bearings.

'Wow,' It was RIot speaking, though we didn't have the same pack to hear another supernatural voice in our heads. As long as a was was close enough to another, you could hear their voice in your head, which was helpful because if an enemy came into the land, you would want to hear their demands if they stayed in their true form. 'Do that again.' Riot said, making me cock my head to the side.

'Do what again?' I asked, Riot came over, nudging his head off my neck, a little harsh, as I lost my footing and he let out a snort.

'That,' he said once looked at him again, 'I've never heard your voice before.'

I was glad he couldn't see my face, so instead I just turned, rolling my eyes at him as I huffed, and started to run into the empty field, I could feel him behind me, trying to reach me. Riot had golden fur, he was a golden wolf too. Which meant that he felt the bond that I felt just as strong. That I wasn't the only one who wanted this. He wanted it just like I did.

We raced around for an hour, running, jumping. I had knocked him off his feet a few times, the two of us rolling around as we fought, He nipped at my neck, making me jump. I could hear him laugh, and honestly. It was like the first time in a year that I free. I didn't want this to end. The playing, the laughing, my voice being heard, the shameless flirting that we couldn't help but do.

When I first met Riot I was worried he was stuck up, too hard to accept me. But I realized I was wrong. He just wanted me to be clean, he wanted experiences with me that I wanted with him.

After almost two hours we were back in the side-by-side. We road back, and I couldn't help the smile that was plastered on my face.

That was until we got back to the house and I saw Miquel sitting on the porch step, holding a hand in his hands and he ran his fingers over the rim like he was nervous and didn't know what to be doing.

"Miquel?" Riot asked, both of us taking our helmets off and walking towards him, "What wrong?"

Grandpa looked up at us, and he didn't have to speak, his mouth didn't move yet and I knew, just by the look on his face.

'Where is she?'

"She is still in bed. She never woke up."

For once, my body felt numb without the drugs. 

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