:::: Twenty-One ::::

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All this running was starting to annoy Nova. She had been chasing Lila all over town and now they were in some kind of train yard. The girl had only met Lila once and tensions were high then. Five had explained his suspicions about the woman.

He told Nova that Lila asked him for a high five which isn't a thing until the 1970s so that set off a lot of red flags for him. Nova didn't know if she was impressed by that fact or sad by it. She couldn't help but wonder who actually knows the history of the high five.

Nova watched as Lila used a pipe to break the window in the door of the warehouse. She hurried across the yard and into the building to catch up with Lila.

"Hey Wicked Witch of the East, do you have a death wish or something? I mean I could have Luther drop a house on you if you want." Nova called out getting Lila to turn around with a grin.

"I just like playing games, love," Lila called gesturing for Nova to come closer.

"So what version of this game are we playing? Do you want me to just drain the life out of you right now or do you want to go hand to hand and I can kill you with a can opener?" Nova asked and Lila smirked.

"Hand to hand if you can take it, old-timer," Lila said and Nova cracked her neck before going after Lila.

The woman blocked Nova's punch and kicked her in the ribs causing her to the floor. At first, Nova was surprised then she remembered Lila fighting the Swedes. She fights like the Commission drones. This has the work of the Handler all over it.

Lila takes off down the hall and Nova quickly follows. The girl jumps onto the table and vaults over it landing in front of Lila. Before the woman has time to react Nova did an aerial flip kicking her straight in the jaw.

The two of them go back and forth like this for a while. They exchange punches, kicks, and dodges. Each of them only lands about 50% of their intended blows. Nova is convinced now that Lila is a Commission drone purely based on her fighting style. Lila manages to shove Nova into a corner where she lands next to a pipe.

The young girl picks up the pipe piece before wiping the blood dripping from her nose with the sleeve of her striped shirt. Nova balances the pipe between her two hands and she thinks about how weird it is that Lila brought her all the way out here. Everything about this plan has the Handler written all over it.

When Lila comes running towards the girl again Nova ducks under her swinging leg and uses her pipe to hook behind Lila's ankle. The girl gives a strong tug and Lila goes tumbling to the ground. Before the woman can react Nova puts her Converse-covered foot harshly on Lila's neck.

"You're better than I thought." Lila gasped and Nova tossed the pipe off to the side.

"You, love, are entirely average," Nova says throwing Lila's words back at her. "Yo, Handler you can come out now."

"Well done, Genova. How'd you figure it out?" The Handler asked as she walked out of a side hall.

"For starters red combat boots. Dead giveaway. But besides that, she fights like every other Commission drone." Nova said as she adjusted her frizzy pigtails.

"Very clever, dear girl. Not many people would have noticed the shoes." The Handler compliments.

"It's hard to forget since you made me wear those red Converse high tops for so many years." Nova shrugged.

"No matter, you're here now. I've gotta ask did you miss me, Mija?" The Handler asked and Nova narrowed her eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you I'm not your mija," Nova growled. Her mother used to call her that before she died. Every time the Handler called her that it's like an insult to her mother.

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