Day 6- The Day of the Attack (part 1)

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Aang was shaking me to my doom at like 5 in the morning. I rubbed my eyes and put a hand on his shoulder. "Sweetie, what the hell's wrong?" I asked. "Good, you're up. I have to wake up everyone else," he said. He pecked my lips and ran off to wake up my brother and his girlfriend. 

"Aang!" I had rolled over to him and grabbed his shoulder. I decided to comb my hair while talking to him, to save time. "What's wrong, sweetie?" I asked again. He looked at me and I could see so much worry and fear in his eyes, which were starting to tear up. 

"I went on a morning flight with Appa. I saw 5 Fire Nation ships. They're not far. We don't have much time! Just a few hours!" My eyes widened when I heard that. "They're here today?" I asked. "It's Wednesday! They must have had the ships at a higher speed than we expected," I screamed. 

I quickly had finished my hair and went to wake up Toph and Tylee. I ducked before Toph was able to punch me in the nose, like she did to Aang. Thinks I don't see his nose bleeding. "Wha? What's wrong?" she mumbled, sleepy. I shook her and she sat up. "Toph, the Fire Nation ships are close. We only have a few hours, wake up!" With this she was up and awake. 

"The ships? Already?" I nodded. "Someone needs to get me to a different island, I can't see here!" I directed her to the bathroom and did her hair for her. "I know, hun. I'll fly you to one after everyone's awake," I assured her. "thanks, I wish I could help," she complained. "I know you do," I responded. 

I woke up Tylee and Mai, and Aang woke up the rest of The Gaang. Toph just sat down at the table. "We need a really quick breakfast," Sokka said. We all agreed and I grabbed 8 apples. We ate them to the core in a flash. 

We all hurried out the door of the igloo. I grabbed Aang's hand before he could follow Sokka. I gave him Toph's hand. "Take her to an island nearby," I told him. He nodded, pecked me, and ran off to Appa. 

I knew Sokka was in dad's house, so I ran to Tylee. "Ty, can you wake up my grandmother?" I asked her. "Yeah, of course!" "Tell her what's going on!" I yelled after. She shot me a thumbs up and I rolled myself to Bato's igloo, Mai behind me. Zuko and Suki were with Sokka. 

I opened the door and rolled over to him. Mai started shaking him awake til he opened his eyes. "The Fire Nation's attacking, Bato. We only have a few hours," I said. "They're here?" I nodded. He got up and kissed me head. He hugged Mai and told us to wake up Pakku in the tent next to Gran Gran. 

When we got there Tylee was a second ahead of us, opening the door for us in advance. Mai rolled me inside and I started tapping his cheek. 

"Pakku! Pakku! Please, the Fire Nation's invading!" He slowly woke up, and found me worried. "Today?" he asked. I nodded. "Is Kana up?" "Yeah, I just woke her up," Tylee said. He kissed my head and hugged the girls, telling us to wake everyone in the village up. 

We rolled out of the igloo and I stopped the girls. I saw Aang in the distance. He landed Appa and glided over to me. "Are you 100% sure you saw them?" I asked. He was crying. "Yeah, 1000% even." He hugged me. 

"Mai, Tylee, find the rest of Team Avatar and tell them to split up and wake everyone up. Tell Sokka and Suki to buddy up, Mai, go with Zuko, and Tylee, can you wake up the twins and go with them? Tell The Gaang to wake up the benders and warriors first, then everyone else." She nodded and they both ran off. 

"We're dead," I muttered. Aang pecked my lips. "I won't let that happen," he replied. We rolled off around the tribe, waking up as many people as humanly possible. 

Around 30 minutes later, we all met up in our igloo. The twins were there, too. "Did you drop off Toph somewhere?" El asked. Aang nodded. "Good," Al said. 

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