Chapter 3: Realizations Explained

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AN: I have started to wonder more and more what the people reading this story think.


Somehow Mori had managed to catch Camille as she fell backward before she squished Honey who was stuck in place because he did not realize what was exactly happening until it was too late. Haruhi was quickly scooped up by an over-dramatic Tamaki who was blabbering on about how someone had molested his poor daughter. She was in a state of shock and embarrassment that kept her from shutting Tamaki up, standing still in his arms with her mouth open.

"So what are we going to do Kyoya-senpai?" Hikaru asked with a raised eyebrow.

"She knows Haruhi's secret now." Kaoru added, stating the obvious while wearing a matching expression.

"We are going to have to think of a way to keep an eye on her. We cannot let her expose Haruhi's secret!" Tamaki cut in before Kyoya could even open his mouth.

"I'm going to take a look at her files to see what I can find. In the meantime, club activities are about to start." Kyoya said as he closed his notebook and headed toward the back of the room where his laptop was.

"What should we do with her?" Honey asked while poking Camille's cheek hesitantly before Mori picked her up bridal style. He carried her to a couch and laid her down on it then walked off to take his place to greet the ladies who would be in shortly.

"I guess that answers that question." Haruhi said while eyeing the passed out female that had accidentally groped her.

"I would call off host club activities, but we missed some last week due to the visit to the water park." Tamaki sighed before looking over at Camille too. "She looks familiar and I can't seem to place her for some reason.


Camille came to after the host club activities were in full swing. The soft laughter and loud squeals of fangirls was enough to make her grumble in annoyance to herself. She had heard about the host club on her way to her last class, before she had seen Tamaki and Kyoya, and the way the girls talked about them made her want to throw things at their heads in an attempt to knock some sense into them. There was only one guy worth squealing over and he was gone.

Pushing memories from her mind, she rolled over onto her back. The plush seat of the couch she laid on was comfortable and just the right shape to cradle her head. Her eyes snapped open when she felt a slight movement under her head, amethyst eyes meeting her own.

Tamaki had taken it upon himself to place her head in his lap because she had looked uncomfortable. The others had told him to leave her be, but he could not help himself. He knew her from somewhere and he was determined to figure out where from.

Ladies gasped at the sight of them staring at each other with identical blushes before squealing loudly at how cute they looked. This only served as fuel for Camille to rocket upward, her forehead connecting with Tamaki's chin. She scrambled to the unoccupied end of the couch they were seated on. Honey's pink rabbit lay in her lap as she clutched her forehead, wondering how it got there in the first place.

"Oh good..You're awake." Tamaki said as he clasped his chin, the girls across from them looking concerned. She nodded and blushed before hugging the pink rabbit in her arms without thinking. "Sorry I startled you. You just didn't look comfortable and what kind of host would I be if I let a princess such as yourself stay in that condition?"

"Are you sure you didn't do it for your own benefit senpai?" Haruhi asked in a flat tone before setting a cup of coffee on the table in front of Camille nervously,"I thought you could use something to wake you up. I know I wouldn't be in a great mood if I woke up to someone's face in mine." She said the last part pointedly at Tamaki before fixing her eyes back on Camille.

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