Chapter 11: A Day Out with Tamaki

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The wind blew over Tamaki and Camille as they walked down the sidewalk into town, not seeing the point in a car when they would not need it. They had, however, decided to ditch skiing to look at shops before they would have to call the car to see the snow she wanted to see.

"Are you too cold? We could call the car early." Tamaki asked while looking down at the short female. They had been walking for ten minutes now and the cold wind had made both of their faces numb. Her cheeks, ears, and nose were all painted a soft pink color.

"No, I'm fine. We are almost there anyway." She reassured him in a quiet voice. He felt his heart drop at how withdrawn she was being. This was supposed to be fun and he could tell she was still troubled about something.

Shops started to come into view, the open signs beaming in windows full of displays. He saw her eyes light up at the prospect of getting to look at new things. This gave him an idea. "How about we grab some hot chocolate from that store before we hit the shops? It will warm up our hands while we travel around." His free hand lifted up to gesture toward a neon sign that was shaped like a steaming coffee cup. His other arm was still occupied by the girl next to him who had yet to notice she was still holding onto his arm in an attempt to leech any heat coming off of him that she could.

She nodded in agreement and he thought he caught the first traces of a true smile he had seen since leaving. If she liked shopping and hot chocolate then he would make sure she had both.

They entered the store that had been down the block from them and he felt the girl at his side stop, causing him to stop as well. His amethyst eyes traveled over in confusion before he found himself smiling. Her eyes were shut as she inhaled the sweet aromas of coffee, sweets, and hot chocolate. The look of pure bliss she wore made his stomach squirm in nervousness and excitement. She was truly interesting with how easily she could go from on emotion to another, but he knew that she kept most of it hidden. He wanted to know why. What made her feel the need to keep things from them? From him?

"Tamaki...Why are you looking at me like that? You're making me nervous." She murmured while looking away. A bright red blush heated her face to chase away any numbness the cold had bathed them in.

He turned red in the face himself and shook his head, "No reason! I got lost in thought. I'm sorry. Let's get our hot chocolate. Okay?" Even to his own ears he sounded nervous and embarrassed.

Camille giggled and shook her head, letting go of his arm to walk past him to the counter. He followed her quickly and chuckled as she stared up at all the options they had to make the plain drinks more mouthwatering. She looked like a kid in a candy store and it dawned on him that he was getting his previous wish to see her more relaxed. She was beginning to show more of herself than she had in the past, making him happy that she was finally starting to get comfortable.

The hosts knew very little about the things she liked aside from her brother and her amazing photography skills. They suspected that she lived alone because she never mentioned her parents or asking permission to do anything. She was all alone in that house.

Tamake stepped forward and ordered his drink after she made up her mind, giving the barista money for both of their drinks. The girl behind the counter was glaring at Camille and it caused him to grab a hold of Camille's wrist and pull her to the side where their drinks would be set when they were finished. He did not like how the barista was glaring at her one bit. "How about we go to the camera shop after this? I saw the sign before we came in." He had actually seen the store last night, but he did not want to give away that he had been out walking by himself.

Her eyes lit up once more and she nodded quickly, "Yes! Maybe they will have a cleaner for my camera. I ran out a few days ago. Thanks for reminding me." She looked up at him with another genuine smile that had him blushing again. What was she doing to him? Turning him into a blushing fool! He needed to try and control it or he was going to  give away his feelings. "Come on, Tamaki! Let's go before I get a hole burned through my head from the intensity of her glare." She had said this in French rather than the English they had used to order, causing the barista to look confused.

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